! | Visual contact | Same as "vc", usually used by the point man to report enemy contacts |
+ | Reports a confirmed kill | You can repeat the + to report multiple kills with one report like this: +++ |
afk | Away from keyboard | Used to inform other players that you are going for a smoke, having a drink etc. |
brb | Be right back | Like "afk", it's used to inform other players that you'll be "away" for a while |
faw | Fire at will | |
hp | Hold position | |
ip | In position | Tells the team leader and others that you are in the given position |
kia | Killed in action | You can report multiple casualties like this: 2KIA |
mia | Missing in action | |
nv | No visual contact | |
ph | Point man hold | Tells the point man to hold position and wait for new orders |
pm | Point man move | Tells the point man to continue. |
rambo | Wannabe killing machine | This is the guy who runs towards the enemy guns blazing... And dies after five seconds. |
tourist | Non-regular player | Also used to describe those players who don't know or don't care about the server's rules |
ty | Thank you | |
usv | Unidentified Server Visitor | See "tourist". |
vc | Visual contact | |
wia | Wounded in action | |