
TMG servers down

Due to a HD crash the TMG servers have been down for a few days.

I've already bought a new HD and I'm going to update the server today.
The server will be online tomorrow.

22.12.2004 by Don Turtuma

Website statistics for January 2005 (01.02.2005)
TMG goes IRC (28.01.2005)
TMG hardware upgrade (22.01.2005)
Downloads, again... (11.01.2005)
TMG online again (23.12.2004)
TMG servers down (22.12.2004)
File downloads (21.12.2004)
TMG-PoTlongKaraiB1 released! (05.12.2004)
TMG-MedicPatrolBeta5 released! (04.12.2004)
Servers back online! (sort of) (06.11.2004)

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Last updated 4.3.2008 13:12:59 / Don Turtuma