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Vietcong 2
FilenameStreamV2.rar (504) Download Link to file
Size31814 KB
Uploaded23.11.2006 05:54:04 / Chavez
Downloads2108 / 14.12.2024 23:49:38

Vietcong Fist Alphas classic map

CTF - 25 US Soldiers versus 25 Vietnamese
Coop 12 US versus 100+ VC

Grab your guns and get ready for the second tour in 'Nam !!!

(Ported from VC1 to VC2)

by Chavez_US and Nix



Comments (4) Add comment

27.11.2006 08:49:16 by =ODB666= DEMON ACE
This is good to see more coop maps for viet 2 !!! keep up the good work !

28.11.2006 08:38:44 by Quantiferon
Can't wait for these maps to get on tmg#1

01.01.2007 23:57:29 by Duron_Ike
the one and only Stream!

07.01.2007 17:57:45 by Motown
nice one chavez see you on VET

Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma