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Filename(TRR) (630) Download Link to file
Size7772 KB
Uploaded26.11.2008 22:52:22 / Jackson
Downloads2181 / 20.04.2024 18:40:05
DescriptionThis scenario is based upon the multiplayer 'Halong-Hell-3' map; many thanks to the creator ('badass'?) of the original, which can be found on the download pages.

A cunning stealth attack by the VC has resulted in the deaths of the small U.S. holding force as they slept; the Halong base has once again fallen into enemy hands. U.S. Special Forces are to mount another assault to regain control of this important distribution point and stronghold.

Credits: This was presented in its tested form on 30.08.08; all credit to Toni Rios for the ingenuity involved in producing this map.

ATG(30), COOP(8), CTF(30), DM(30), TDM(30)


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Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma