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FilenameVET_DAKTO.rar (427) Download Link to file
Size17142 KB
Uploaded22.06.2006 09:01:38 / Chavez
Downloads1216 / 26.04.2024 14:50:13
DescriptionVET_Dak To

Your group of special forces are assigned to the 173rd Airborne division. Orders are to give support to the division and regain control of the area. This location is important as nearby Laos and Cambodia are just miles away, and the Ho Chi Minh trail contiues to supply the enemy with deadly weapons and ammo. If we regain control, it will be a great loss to the VC and their precious supply route.

12 US Elite Soldiers versus 50 VC Regulars (Cooperative Mode)
20 US Elite Soldiers versus 20 VC Regulars (Capture the Flag)

Compliments of (Vietnam Elite Teamwork Map Editing Team - VETMET)


Comments (6) Add comment

22.06.2006 13:30:46 by SPRINGING EAGLE
Nice map chavez,is a beutifull Jungelmap with serpents and Rain,the map have nice textures i think is werry good worck
Show it self ;-))

23.06.2006 23:43:40 by PvtVVitt
Excellent map Chavez, you put out some really good stuff! Keep up the good work :)

27.06.2006 02:29:39 by Chavez_US/Chavez
Thank you!...It took a long time to do the Custom rocks (lowered collisions) thank you for being patient with its release...i did a little everyday,..and 5 months later here it is...thanks to the help from our Editing team in the final days was it released the way it should be...

30.06.2006 15:35:49 by Projectleeds
Hey Rick,

Its Andy. I've somehow managed to get disconnected with VET. Just wondering how come the website is down etc and if you could poss. email me the Ventrilo password?



27.09.2007 02:36:55 by Frenchy
nice map!!!

03.02.2013 20:56:31 by mmdick
Krásná mapa, dá velkou práci v časovém limitu je sám udělat v?echny VC...jeliko? toti? mám pomalé připojení, tudí? mě za vysoký ping v?ude v MP vyhazují, tak si zkou?ím mapu udělat sám... a jde to...dá to sice práci, ale při dodr?ování základních zásad to jde...:-)

Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma