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FilenameVET_TRAILVC2.rar (530) Download Link to file
Size30803 KB
Uploaded20.05.2007 09:30:56 / Chavez
Downloads1076 / 22.04.2024 22:11:01
DescriptionVET_TRAILVC2 (converted to VC1)

You and your Elite team of 12 Special Forces soldiers have been selected to find a village occupied by the Vietcong in the Thanh Hoa Province. It is rumored the local villagers are supplying the VC with rice and other food. Your mission is Search and Destroy. Good Luck!

12 Elite Special Forces versus 51 highly trained VC. (COOP)
16 US Soldiers versus 16 Vietcong (CTF)

Compliments of VETMET (Vietnam Elite Teamwork Map Editing Team)

Special attention given to VET's SAS OZ for his time and devotion to porting this map to VC1 and for "keeping this game alive" for all of us to enjoy.


Comments (4) Add comment

04.06.2007 22:44:42 by darkyautja
Thx man goodwork !i like viet2 maps but not the game , i still play the old good viet1 and fist alpha !!!

23.06.2007 13:22:35 by googs
looks sweet

10.09.2007 02:40:16 by Ho Nang Tsu
Yes very good work Chavez m8.Thnx.

18.07.2008 08:16:00 by SASOZ
Thanx, this was converted by me not Chavez as with all the VC2 maps. Chavez has the rights to upload to this site, but a lot of the vet maps are not necessarily his. OZ

Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma