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Filenametdmc.c (327) Download Link to file
Size6 KB
Uploaded09.07.2005 14:30:49 / Don Turtuma
Downloads364 / 09.02.2025 23:38:59
DescriptionTDMC script, based on the TDM example script from the Vietcong SDK.

The difference to the normal TDM is that players can choose their weapons and weapons placed on the map are disabled.


Comments (1) Add comment

06.07.2011 14:03:34 by Intruder
Don Turtuma,
Your TDMC script has a little bug... The weapons placed on the map are still not disabled in your script! Could you please fix it and re-upload the file, so your mode will be played as it should be. Thank you! ;-)

Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma