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Filenamegoodday-vietcongcoop-01_byGM.avi (332) Download Link to file
Size52281 KB
Uploaded26.07.2005 15:07:39 / green monkey
Downloads280 / 18.03.2024 17:29:16
Descriptionthis is my first tribute to the world of coop.
time will show, if there will be a sequel.

worth notice:
this movie is based uppon ingame footage ONLY.
NO external audio or video was added!
everything you hear .. or see .. was perceivable on the servers.

i only took the freedom to cut and mix it up a bit ... add some video or audio from one scene to another scene .. and so on ..

i hope you enjoy this movie as much as i do ..
thnx for downloading
yours ... 1.Lt Tomas "green monkey" duMort


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Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma