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Vietcong (674) Download Link to file
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Uploaded12.07.2011 02:21:48 / Intruder
Downloads386 / 06.05.2024 20:11:36

Presentation :
IntrusionWars is based on my famous Intrusion map (Coop) but with updated graphics, sounds and gameplay!
Because of "technical reasons", I decided to create a specific version of Intrusion for all the "non-coop" modes, that's why both maps won't be merged together.
IntrusionWars will offer you a lot of possibilities in the tactics, not only as a "single player", but also with your mates, in your Clan (or community), for fearsome battles!
Note that the IntrusionWars' graphics will be used for the next version of Intrusion "Coop mode" (will be Intrusion_beta_2)... Stay tuned! ;-)

Modes :
-Kill all
-players: 36
-Your area of operations is on the whole map.

ATG Coop:
-Kill all
-players: 36
-This mode is the one to use if you like to play the Coop mode but this time, against real enemies (mission time till 120 mins)!

-players: 32
-Your area of operations is along the main road that passes in front of the huts.

-players: 32
-Your area of operations is in the paddies around the Vietcong base (hut).

-players: 50
-Your area of operations is on the whole map.

-players: 50
-Your area of operations is on the whole map.

-players: 50
-For this mode (created by Don Turtuma), I decided to enable the ammoboxes (from the CTF and RW modes) aswell.
-Your area of operations is on the whole map.

Map specifications :
-Custom map: YES (made by Intruder)
-Base: Intrusion (the Coop version), edited
-Players: 50 (maximum)
-Modes: ATG, ATG Coop, CTF, RW, DM, TDM, TDMC.
-Weather: day, clear and sunny
-Skins by default: YES (original, no stripes for the US)
-Fps: good!
-VC + FA compatible only (1.60 patch)!

-Read me file included.
-Date of release: 12/07/11

You are NOT ALLOWED to edit this map in any way! Please, respect my choice and my work!




Comments (8) Add comment

12.07.2011 02:32:31 by Intruder
Sorry for the Coop lovers, IntrusionWars has NO bots to fight with... However, if you like to play in co-operation with your mates against REAL enemies, it's probably THE map you will need for endless hours of fearsome battles! :-)

13.07.2011 04:23:11 by yg

13.07.2011 22:58:13 by Reaver
Great job Intruder. Now all I need are another 35 players to have a go at the ATG mode!

Looking forward to your new work!

22.08.2011 13:35:26 by DIVX
not allowed to edit this map? is it not what you've been doing with PT's map, did you respect their choices? you didn't even asked them, i'm editing Intrusion right now into a night version playable as VC. That's how it goes, it's evolution, unless keep your level private or lock your cbf/dat with a password lol

22.08.2011 20:52:47 by Intruder
Listen DIVX, I will try to not enter into long details but if I put this sentence it's because I've learned EVERYTHING, from the start, with my Intrusion map (in 2003 it was also my very first pc!). Intrusion took me MORE than 3 years of hard work before to have released the first beta version! Let's say that I'm also "emotionaly" linked to that map because of "personal reasons". Have YOU made the hard work? NO! If you just want to change some "numbers and files" and put your name in front (or anywhere else) of my work without permission, go ahead! I don't care that everyone will see you made "this" on purpose because you must be just a "trouble maker" (I will stay polite)... If you want a night version with the vc side, why don't you just ask me to make it instead??? But don't forget, when you will post the map's file, to also write you edited Intruder's work without his permission, intentionaly! And don't tell me that I'm not respecting Pterodon's work myself... Just have a look in the vc-coop .eu forum (Editor's corner > Intruder's mapping > Intruder's maps name explained) and you will understand the reasons of the "VC_maps" (I will never edit someone else work, excepted the original maps). I'm NOT a perfect person, but don't try to show me you will just behave like I did. Your "evolution" hasn't grown a's evident!
PS: No need to reply...


22.08.2011 23:18:16 by DIVX
NO NO! You didn't understand, i don't plan on releasing a version of it, just f.....g with you. I was just thinking that you talk about not editing, that it's not respectfull. Well that's what you do too and it's the game evolution, unless the coop just dies. It just sounds like you can do it it's ok but for others, it's not respectfull rofl.
I understand what three years means and i respect this, so no worries, i admit i was a bit pissed to hear this and i provoked you a little. So i apologises, can't do better.

23.08.2011 20:23:44 by gui
peace & love. Vrai ke g djo vu du up de topic pour posser dvan lé otr (po tré respectueu), kil porle a la 3ème personne, ke du tou tou pti peu ke jle connay jpeu po le sentir mai ce genr de commentair ca apport rien é ca pouri + kotr choz. Intruder contribu a aider les autres personnes et boss dur sur des maps de qualitay pour le plaisir des otr don le tien don mé lo en veilleuz stp. D'ailleur ka tu fé : 0
Super map, de loin 1 de mes préféray, j y jou frékemen é encor cett semain donc merci l'artist pour ton tem

24.08.2011 13:12:28 by zavatta
ouech un bon trouduc lol

Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma