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Filename Description Size Category Date
Tour_of_respawn_1.mpgEnjoy Italian Soldier's first video: 'Tour of Teamrespawn - Image video.'26727 KB
22.03.2006 00:51:15
bang_bang_bang.wmvBang, Bang, Bang by

Streaming version of the same video can be found from Google Video.
31663 KB
16.07.2006 04:51:28
DontTryThisAtHome6.rarpart 6 of Crazy Meat Grinder Server Outtakes41996 KB
17.05.2006 19:06:50
Meditation.aviBlazon, Iti and Osmo doing some important meditation before engaging the enemy. :)

Compressed with XviD codec.
3909 KB
28.06.2006 21:51:05
FreakedOutAIVietcong.rarA while ago I hade this freaked out VC bot while testing out some stuff ...
Take a look
19909 KB
30.06.2006 15:05:55
bang_bang_bang2.wmvBang, Bang, Bang 2 by

Streaming version of the same video can be found from Google Video.
44430 KB
16.07.2006 04:50:41
TourKnifeFights.rarshort movie showin some knife fights and kill20445 KB
30.01.2007 19:22:59
TMG4YearsBirthdayParty.wmvThe Meat Grinder 4 Years Birthday Party

Here are some pictures and clips that I recorded at the TMGs birthday party.

Thanks Rev.Charlie for the group photo!

I apologize for the format (wmv). If you are unable to view the video because it's in wmv format, you can also see it in YouTube by clicking the link below:

YouTube version of this video

22436 KB
18.03.2008 00:14:45
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Total of 648 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma