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Filename Description Size Category Date
TMG-Arena.rarTMG-Arena_ v1 by Tommy Bonez

1st up this is a FUN Map !
Best played with knives only
Jump from box to box and dont fall into the acid !

Gamemodes :
CTF - 32 players
ATG (US Bomb) - 32 players
KOTH - 32 players
DM - 32 players
Coop - 10 players 38 enemies with knives

14148 KB
13.07.2006 22:21:04

Author Chris Tsamados aka *Cpl. Elias*

I decided to remake my AshuaValley map. I have included more cover at the beginning and have deleted lots of bushes and colliisions at the turn in the road past the bunker, which was a real bitch to get past.

The map includes the modified Coop scripts, so you get weapons staying on the ground, and funky music if you complete the map. Theres also a TourCoop mode this includes bleeding, no kill chart and the map resets itself when everyone dies.

4371 KB
14.07.2005 09:44:48
TMG-BigRiver_part1_v1.rarTMG-BigRiver_part1_v1 by Tommy Bonez

Patrol down the river

45 VCs 10player

! Camo Gear !
13809 KB
13.07.2005 17:29:20
TMG-CanyonSweep_v1.rarTMG-CanyonSweep v1

10 Players Coop
64 Players RW
64 Players ATG Pilot
22226 KB
22.05.2006 19:02:53
TMG-Citadel_v1.rarTMG-Citadel v1 by Tommy Bonez

Converted Singleplayer mission

10 Players
60 Enemys

...might get updated somewhen
14608 KB
13.11.2006 17:25:39
TMG-GoingHome_v2.rarTMG-GoingHome v2 by Tommy Bonez

lil update

Coop only

10 players
50 enemies
34640 KB
04.08.2006 15:16:55
TMG-HamburgerHill_v1.rarTMG-HamburgerHill v1 by Tommy Bonez

Coop only

10 players
50 enemies
9118 KB
05.08.2006 17:08:34
TMG-MIA.rarTMG_MIA_20080302183550.jpgTMG-M.I.A. by Private Paula

After a hard fight and on the way back to base, you and your team got shot by AA. Both choppers crashed somewhere in the jungle, surrounded by enemy forces. A couple of soldiers are dead, some survived. There is no chance of extraction. Your task is to regroup both teams and clear the area.

Modes: Coop 10 players, ATG 64 players

22260 KB
23.04.2009 20:15:56
TMG-MedicPatrolBeta5.rarTMG-MedicPatrol BETA 5 by Don Turtuma, based on the Vietcong single player campaign mission.


- Play Coop as a Vietcong fighter!
- ATG, CTF, Coop, KOTH, TourCoop and TT game modes
- New mission type for Coop: Assassination
- Mission objective: Assassinate the Cpt.Rosefield!
- AI uses mounted weapons
- New game modes: TourCoop and KOTH (King of the Hill)

This release has the latest versions of my (Tour)Coop and KOTH game scripts.

Read the included TMG-MedicPatrolBeta5.txt file for more information.
8582 KB
04.12.2004 15:17:52

This is a CANCELED project !!
Fog bug on terrain ...

Coop Game mode only

56 VCs
20054 KB
27.05.2005 19:45:10
TMG-Palace_v1.rarTMG-Palace v1

10 Player Coop map
20132 KB
21.11.2006 19:04:47
TMG-PirateIsle_v1.rarTMG-Pirate Isle v1

The map to celebrate the 19th September
- The Talk Like A Pirate Day

Ships by Petr Deadfast
Map by Tommy Bonez

Coop only
10 Tour Pirates vs 50 Gook Pirates

Finished/Finalized under heavy time pressure
Please excuse all bugs

18896 KB
19.09.2006 16:34:49
TMG-PoTlongKaraiB1.rarTMG-PoTlongKarai BETA 1 by Don Turtuma, based on the Vietcong single player campaign


- Only TourCoop game mode
- New mission type for Coop: Bombing
- Camo gear

This release includes the latest version of my (Tour)Coop script.

Read the included TMG-PoTlongKaraiB1.txt file for more information.
8701 KB
05.12.2004 15:44:06
TMG-Stream_v1.rarTMG-Stream_v1 by Tommy Bonez

Conversation of the Single Player Stream !

Coop only

35 VCs - 8 players

! Camo Gear !
8015 KB
13.07.2005 13:35:05
TMG_Stunt_N_Fun_A2.rarTMG-Sunt N Fun mod alpha 2 for VC2

Install and play Instructions inside

Changes :

All Game Modes :

VC - Civilian look
US - Semi Millitia look (+Priest)

US none Headgear is possible
Some changed textures for US Headgear

US added more Voices (now 18)
also changed some voice commands

More Blood

Stamina raised to 500

Added Wine Glass as forced weapon (like knife)

Changed US Jeep to Pink Cadillac
Changed VC Jeep to Blue Pick Up
Changed VC Tank to Ontos Tank

Known Vehicle issues :

Vehicles dont work on Checkpoint Coop
The Cadillac only got 1st person view and is undestroyable
Also when you drive against the sun in the Cadillac the view is "strange"
The Ontos Gunner and MG view is "strange"


Assault , Coop and CTF changes :

US and VC Comando are now Killer Babes
Choose US Head 15 or VC Head 18 to properly play this class !!

Weapon Changes :
All US Pistols to choose from in player menu
All VC Pistols to choose from in player menu
All US Classes got Trombone
All VC Classes got Trombone
All US Classes got Claymores except Sniper , he got Traps
All VC Classes got Claymores except Sniper , he got Traps

US Infantry added RPG7
VC Fighter added RPG7
US Eng added M16XM148
VC Eng added RPG7
US Medic , no medic helmet , added M79
VC Medic , no medic helmet , added RPG7
US Gunner added RPG7
VC Gunner added RPG7
US Marine added XM 177
VC Soldier added STG44
US Radio added M79
VC Radio added RPG7
US Sniper added RPG7 and Smoke Nades
VC Sniper added RPG7 and Smoke Nades
US Killer Babe added M60
VC Killer Babe added Dektarev


DM and TDM changes :

NO Killer Babes !!!!!!!!!!!


...maybe I forgot some things ...?:D

7031 KB
26.04.2006 13:58:31
Thunder_Don_Toccoa_win.wmvToccoa leads Don "The Pilot" Turtuma to the LZ
from the Meat Grinder Special of 02 04 04
4956 KB
04.04.2004 15:34:53

some custom coop map

map creator : ToL
12271 KB
09.02.2012 18:37:17
TR&6TH-OperationMasher.rarTR & 6TH Operation Masher

map by : TR & 6th sense (

Mode : Coop
Players : 10
24749 KB
11.09.2012 22:16:28

Map by Labrador & Shogun
Mode : Coop
Players : 10
21153 KB
11.09.2012 22:09:07
=CFO= PePPeMessoMalex_1st.wmvTribute for =CFO= PePPeMessoMalex in a beatiful training over the RiverDale, Special Thanks to =CFO= Arch-Angel for dead a lot of time and loose the Dragunov :D

RE-Encode with Canoplus Encoder in Windows Media Player 9 for a better quality than the previuos version in Divx 5.05 and are also more small to download it!.

44609 KB
20.09.2004 10:36:08
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Total of 648 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma