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Filename Description Size Category Date
DaNang-lol.aviSometimes it's very hard to get a VC Flag!
By Ximena-ITALIA
8276 KB
14.05.2004 11:43:36
Epos_008_3_Canyons_6.rarOur Heros finally arrived at Bahnar Village for extraction.
But ... wtf ...
16338 KB
14.05.2004 13:24:30
Festers Story of Fire inda Hole.wmvUncle Fester tells his Story of Fire Inda Hole9800 KB
16.05.2004 14:17:42
Dont try this at home2.wmvDont Try This At Home2
"Enemy Behind"
29247 KB
19.05.2004 14:21:06
Epos_009_Night_Ambush.rarThe Squad returned home at Nui Pek at Night...
Everythings nice and quiet ...
22912 KB
24.05.2004 16:31:55
Epos_010_Tin_Can_01.rarThe Squad is send to search some Vietnamese Metall ...19133 KB
30.05.2004 14:38:00
Fun_at_the_lake.wmv11 mad bastards having a spot of fun at the Lake

Re-uploaded due to the old version finishing early.
17745 KB
19.06.2004 14:23:21
Burn_more_fat_with_GM.wmvGreen Monkey lets us in on the second installment of his keep-fit routine.

So, while Turk orders pizza, Alin goes for a smoke and everyone else sits on their fat arses trying to figure out how to add a map to the mllist, Monkeyboy gets down to some HARD training!
13983 KB
31.05.2004 19:17:17
Lemmings.wmvThe war got too much for these people - watch them 'follow their leader' to the point of no return.....19965 KB
03.06.2004 02:42:51
Hellweek.wmv... Its Hellweek !!7425 KB
06.06.2004 13:04:12
Epos_011_Operation_Tin_Can_02.wmv... they found some steel ...20266 KB
09.06.2004 00:44:48
Lag Fight at the Sat Special.wmvwatch some brutal heavy frekin weird Lag Fights from the ATG Special of 05.06.0424395 KB
09.06.2004 01:17:45
MedicPatroltestings.wmv...some shots from my Medic Patrol betatestings19386 KB
11.06.2004 03:54:40
vietcong fist alpha - nico remix (1500kbps) finalized.wmvA cyber-friend made this - inspired by (would you believe) my Lemmings video - after watching my latest, he decided to put the final touches to his.

We have been trying to get it up on-line for some days now - but now you can view it in all its glory!

Lovely work, Nico - I am soooo happy to help you to display it and thanks to Don Tuturma for the host site too!
42051 KB
11.06.2004 22:33:02
Dont try this at home3.wmvPrepare for part 3 of the Dont Try This At Home Saga
29106 KB
18.06.2004 00:21:23
Stuck_in_fire.wmvAlin stars by getting stuck and then char-grilling himself!16378 KB
18.06.2004 15:54:13
DontTryThisAtHome4.rarThe 4th part of Server Outtakes and Mad Action37270 KB
10.07.2004 15:17:25
Dont try this at home5.wmv-The Return of Spider-Alin-28778 KB
22.07.2004 01:52:12
Nas_VIET_01.aviTITLE: =NAS= Video Number 1 - The Sapper

Players: =NAS=Sutterkane, =NAS= Bob

Type: Vietcong Reality Video.... no replay of a game... is REAL LIFE

Bob want kill the clan leader Sutterkane... take a Colt and Booby Trap and enter in Sutterkane House, but Sutterkane hear Bob walking in the lower floor, go to armery and take Baikal and ........ :D

Encoded with Divx 5.05...... enjoy it!
35205 KB
24.08.2004 10:19:13
Magnum.wmvMagnum, p.i. by

A video in the spirit of Magnum tv show.
4847 KB
27.08.2004 15:10:21
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Total of 648 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma