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Filename Description Size Category Date
TMG-HamburgerHill_v1.rarTMG-HamburgerHill v1 by Tommy Bonez

Coop only

10 players
50 enemies
9118 KB
05.08.2006 17:08:34
TMG-PirateIsle_v1.rarTMG-Pirate Isle v1

The map to celebrate the 19th September
- The Talk Like A Pirate Day

Ships by Petr Deadfast
Map by Tommy Bonez

Coop only
10 Tour Pirates vs 50 Gook Pirates

Finished/Finalized under heavy time pressure
Please excuse all bugs

18896 KB
19.09.2006 16:34:49
TMG-Citadel_v1.rarTMG-Citadel v1 by Tommy Bonez

Converted Singleplayer mission

10 Players
60 Enemys

...might get updated somewhen
14608 KB
13.11.2006 17:25:39
TMG-Palace_v1.rarTMG-Palace v1

10 Player Coop map
20132 KB
21.11.2006 19:04:47
TMG-MIA.rarTMG_MIA_20080302183550.jpgTMG-M.I.A. by Private Paula

After a hard fight and on the way back to base, you and your team got shot by AA. Both choppers crashed somewhere in the jungle, surrounded by enemy forces. A couple of soldiers are dead, some survived. There is no chance of extraction. Your task is to regroup both teams and clear the area.

Modes: Coop 10 players, ATG 64 players

22260 KB
23.04.2009 20:15:56
TMG-MedicPatrolB6.7zGAME_2008-03-15_19-44-53_20080315195043.jpgThis is the version I made for the TMG birthday party 15.03.2008! It's my first map release in 2-3 years...8532 KB
15.03.2008 19:50:44
TMG-AmbushB3.rarTMGAmbush_20110604200715.jpgTMG-Ambush with a modified RW game mode for the TMG 7 years birthday party.23985 KB
04.06.2011 20:07:18
(trl)stream.rarCOOP map : (trl)stream

File obtained from :

Massive thanks to the map creator !!!!

..............The most intense firefight to experience immediately from the start of the game.

*Extreme Content...........Be Advised Ladies*

3109 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
04.07.2006 16:50:45

Found on the VC Upload Center.
9056 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
04.07.2006 16:50:52
(trl)waterfall.rarCOOP map : (trl)Waterfall

File obtained from :

Damn snipers, damn there eyes.

Again a massive thanks to the map creator !!!!

*Extreme Content...........Be Advised Ladies*
2477 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
04.07.2006 16:50:20

COOP map : (trl)Waterfall2

With thanks to author for update. File obtained from :

2556 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
04.07.2006 16:49:31
(TRL)SkyMayhem.rarSkyMayhem uploaded at request of certain others ;)

Unsure of author or any other details.
1995 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
04.07.2006 16:46:42
(TRX)Atrocity.zipThis COOP mission is based on the multiplayer 'Stream' map.

Intelligence reports indicate that the VC are holding captured U.S. soldiers at a secluded campsite in the stream valley. A U.S. Special Forces unit is to rescue any survivors and to eradicate any VC forces encountered in the area.

Credits: Thanks to Avenger and Disease for their creative input to this map.
7364 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
09.10.2007 22:17:31
(TRX)HalongCoop.zipThis COOP mission is based on the multiplayer 'Halong Port' map.

U.S. forces have launched a dawn attack on the port, but the enemy are on the alert as the mist clears.

Credits: Thanks to Avenger and Disease for their creative input to this map.
7285 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
09.10.2007 22:14:30
(TRX)RiverBends.zipThis COOP mission uses an under-utilised part of the multiplayer 'Stream' map.

A U.S. search and rescue team enters an enclosed gorge to search for the crew of a downed gunship. VC forces are known to be nearby.

Credits: Thanks to Avenger and Disease for their creative input to this map.
7317 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
09.10.2007 22:14:17
(TRX)RiverBridge.zipThis COOP mission is based on the single player 'wide river' area.

A U.S. 'black ops' team must enter into Cambodia to locate and destroy a VC encampment which is integral to the enemy supply route along the Nong River and which controls the only viable river crossing in the area.

Credits: Thanks to Avenger and Disease for their creative input to this map.
12265 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
09.10.2007 22:13:48
(TRX)TakeBack.zipThis COOP mission is based on the multiplayer 'Radio Relay' scenario.

U.S. Air Mobile units must launch an all-out assault on the strategically-important radio relay installation which has been overrun by the VC. The base must be recaptured at all costs.

Credits: Thanks to Avenger and Disease for their creative input to this map.
5423 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
09.10.2007 22:14:00
(TRX)HalongAssault.zipThis COOP mission is based on the multiplayer 'Halong Port' map.

Repeated heavy bombing has caused a collapse in the cave system behind the NVA base at Halong, but U.S. Special Forces have found a way through.

Credits: Thanks to Faldo, Gringo and Disease for their creative input to this map.
7744 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
05.11.2007 03:11:30
(TRX)NoSafeHaven.zipThis mission is based on the single-player 'Mountain Village' map, one of the 'Potok' scanarios.

A recently-evacuated mountain village has become a VC supply depot; a small US team must locate the VC camp and destroy it.

Credits: Massive thanks to Faldo, Gringo and Mr.Bronson for their creative input and help with testing of this problematic map.
13842 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
08.03.2008 02:02:05
(TRX)TheClearing.zipThe mission takes place in a new operational area.

A U.S. patrol emerges from the river gorge into a clearing; there has been no sign of the VC units which are known to be active in the area.

Credits: Thanks to Faldo and Mr.Bronson for their creative input and help with testing of this map.
6340 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
10.08.2008 15:10:34
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Total of 648 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma