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Filename Description Size Category Date

Great custom map

Players : 6

Map Creator : Mapping.FRA

27192 KB
09.02.2012 18:19:39
HD_BongSon_V3.rarHD BONGSON V3

Custom map by Hotdog
Scripts : Hotdog, Shogun, Ando
Mode : Coop
Players : 6

Don't shoot villagers...
10283 KB
31.08.2012 19:20:57

Author : Hotdog
Mode : Coop
Players : 10

Very nice and hard map
24833 KB
02.09.2012 02:09:30
HD_Fightback_V1.rarHD Fightback V1

Custom map by Hotdog

Players : 10
Mode : Coop
15076 KB
31.08.2012 13:58:34
HD_Night_OP1_V2.rarhd_20120830100114.JPGHD NIGHT OP1 V2

A map by Hotdog

VC : 50
Players : 10
Mode : Coop

Beautifull map, great mission
7096 KB
30.08.2012 10:01:15
HD_Stormyday_V1.rarHD Stormy Day V1

Map by : Hotdog
Mode : Coop
Players : 6
VC : 56

Very nice and hard mission
9638 KB
13.09.2012 18:35:56
HD_TheVillage_V4.rarHD THE VILLAGE V4

Custom map by Hotdog
Mode : Coop
Players : 10

Hard mission !
42085 KB
31.08.2012 16:33:15

Map by Hotdog

Players : 10
VC : 53

Very nice and hard mission
40471 KB
28.08.2012 15:02:10
HelmsDeep_V3.rarHELMS DEEP V3

Coop and scripts by Shogun on the Helm's map
Players : 10
VC : Many
37886 KB
31.08.2012 19:09:55
VC2_INC.rarHere are all of the scripts provided to me by (which is now non-existant) for VC2 editing...

There are numerous scripts here...Additionally you may find it difficult to mix scripts from Honzo, Maxovo, and Shigor to solve coop scripting...

What i was told is, not to mix them, if you use shigors scripts,...strictly use his scripts for that game mode...if you mix Shigors script with Maxovo's scripts you will get numerous errors, and can not finalize a map...If you use Maxovo scripts then strictly use Maxovo scripts...etc...

These scripts will go into your:

VC2 editor/dev/compiler after you extract this there you will have:

VC2 editor/dev/compiler/inc

Rick (Chavez_US)
198 KB
06.09.2009 21:52:31
3DSMax.OBJPlugs.rarHere are some plugins that you can use for your 3dsmax versions...

this will allow you to export your max objects/terrains from higher max versions to lower max versions (and vice versa) without errors...

Choose export (or import) wavefront ?.OBJ and youre good to go...

Rick (Chavez/Chavez_US)
42 KB
11.12.2006 07:28:37
VCStarter.zipHere is the tool needed for installing Vietcong on Windows Vista and Windows 7 Operating Systems:

VC Starter

There is an associated video on Youtube on how to do this as well:

310 KB
04.04.2012 16:50:06
Helemt pack.rarHeres a pack which contains two helmets that can be edited. They are in the DDS format so you will need to get a DDS plugin for photoshop to edit them.

Send the files to me (Chris).

65 KB
20.01.2006 19:00:28
VC2EditorPackNature.rarVC2EditorPackNature_20061217181800.JPGheres a step up for you VC2 editors out there...

I proudly present all of the Nature objects from VC1's Fist Alpha. I'm also including a notepad for the description to each Czech name for the objects in the Nature pack categories...

More packs will come within the next few weeks...

Rick [ Chavez/Chavez_US ( Co-founder ) ]
11647 KB
17.12.2006 18:18:00
VC2EditorPackBuildings.rarVC2EditorPackBuildings_20061217181728.JPGheres another step up for the VC2 Editors...

Buildings from the VC1 Fist Alpha Editor...

Unfortunately the collisions didnt work for 80% of the buildings...I will try to get those working if i have the time...

The components for this addon (to your G folder) are the VC1 buildings that work perfectly fine in the VC2 editor (tested for the associated sounds and collisions by me...)

Its preferred if you first download the VC2EditorPackNature.rar first before you download this file...

Rick (Chavez/Chavez_US/Indiglow Rick)

2419 KB
17.12.2006 18:17:28
vietcong_history.pdfHistory of Vietcong

A History of Vietcong from the first demo to the release of patch v1.41
Note: I didn't write it and I'm not taking any of the credit for it :)
6873 KB
26.04.2006 15:20:23
HoangHoanOP1b.rarHOANG HOAN OP1b

Map : Tomcat
Scripts : Shogun
Mode : Coop
Players : 10
22654 KB
31.08.2012 19:32:21
HoChiMinhTrailUST2S.zipHoChiMinhTrailUST2S created by WRX_02_227

20 VC in the area

All traps from single player have been removed and the pungi sticks have been covered up.

3615 KB
07.05.2004 03:17:33
Hopeless.rarHopeless by GAI Leopard

"Outpost" with some nice changings
23129 KB
04.07.2006 16:46:51
The Buffalo.wmvHunting a Buffalo4753 KB
28.04.2004 15:12:16
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Total of 648 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma