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Filename Description Size Category Date
Hdust_Terains.rarTerrain and sky files for maps.5629 KB
15.05.2004 18:11:56
HD_BongSon_V3.rarHD BONGSON V3

Custom map by Hotdog
Scripts : Hotdog, Shogun, Ando
Mode : Coop
Players : 6

Don't shoot villagers...
10283 KB
31.08.2012 19:20:57
HD_Fightback_V1.rarHD Fightback V1

Custom map by Hotdog

Players : 10
Mode : Coop
15076 KB
31.08.2012 13:58:34
HD_Night_OP1_V2.rarhd_20120830100114.JPGHD NIGHT OP1 V2

A map by Hotdog

VC : 50
Players : 10
Mode : Coop

Beautifull map, great mission
7096 KB
30.08.2012 10:01:15

Map by Hotdog

Players : 10
VC : 53

Very nice and hard mission
40471 KB
28.08.2012 15:02:10
HD_Stormyday_V1.rarHD Stormy Day V1

Map by : Hotdog
Mode : Coop
Players : 6
VC : 56

Very nice and hard mission
9638 KB
13.09.2012 18:35:56
HD_TheVillage_V4.rarHD THE VILLAGE V4

Custom map by Hotdog
Mode : Coop
Players : 10

Hard mission !
42085 KB
31.08.2012 16:33:15
Helemt pack.rarHeres a pack which contains two helmets that can be edited. They are in the DDS format so you will need to get a DDS plugin for photoshop to edit them.

Send the files to me (Chris).

65 KB
20.01.2006 19:00:28
Hellweek.wmv... Its Hellweek !!7425 KB
06.06.2004 13:04:12
HelmsDeep_V3.rarHELMS DEEP V3

Coop and scripts by Shogun on the Helm's map
Players : 10
VC : Many
37886 KB
31.08.2012 19:09:55

Author: DSOP Apache

CTF - 24 Players
ATG - 24 Players
Coop - 10 Players

"The map is based on a military trainings camp for urban war, and its brilliant for clans to practise raiding houses and taking out snipers out of top floor windows etc. check it out now!"
8386 KB
04.07.2006 16:47:11


'Hills Of The Fear'

(needs winRAR to install

COOP map

Author : SeeK (thanks for the visit, and the nade!)

Enjoy the map ladies.......!

11463 KB
04.07.2006 16:50:39
HoangHoanOP1b.rarHOANG HOAN OP1b

Map : Tomcat
Scripts : Shogun
Mode : Coop
Players : 10
22654 KB
31.08.2012 19:32:21
hochimin.zipName: Ho-Chi-Min Trail
Game modes: coop, ctf
Author: | Luke Stafford
Description: Somewhere along the Ho-Chi-Min Trail.
Installation: Unzip the .zip file to your Vietcong2\Maps folder.

This map is included in the full package of Fist Bravo add-on for Vietcong 2.
27616 KB
16.10.2006 18:48:25
HoChiMinhTrailUST2S.zipHoChiMinhTrailUST2S created by WRX_02_227

20 VC in the area

All traps from single player have been removed and the pungi sticks have been covered up.

3615 KB
07.05.2004 03:17:33
Hopeless.rarHopeless by GAI Leopard

"Outpost" with some nice changings
23129 KB
04.07.2006 16:46:51
If.....wmvA collection of clips and screenshots featuring some of our regulars.

Hope you enjoy!

BTW, If you download it to a target, rather than click "Download" you will have to add '.wmv' to the end of the file name (thx WRX).
23668 KB
21.10.2004 20:44:30
InterceptorPack.rar05_01_20080728025137.JPGThis is the Interceptor Pack i created because Willem Peits link is corrupted...Hope this helps you all make some good maps...

Chavez/Chavez_US (Co-founder VietnamEliteTeamwork, 3dsmax Editor, US Navy Veteran)

Visit at your convenience...

UPDATED 1-11-09 - It has come to my attention i failed to include the test.exe portion of this pack. Im not sure why anyone didnt tell me it didnt work for them, but finally this is here now. Great program, with good results...Rick (Chavez_US - VET)
2707 KB
14.01.2009 08:45:21
interview.docVietcong 2 beta tester "interview".
Microsoft Word document.
69 KB
27.10.2005 21:23:15

Presentation :
IntrusionWars is based on my famous Intrusion map (Coop) but with updated graphics, sounds and gameplay!
Because of "technical reasons", I decided to create a specific version of Intrusion for all the "non-coop" modes, that's why both maps won't be merged together.
IntrusionWars will offer you a lot of possibilities in the tactics, not only as a "single player", but also with your mates, in your Clan (or community), for fearsome battles!
Note that the IntrusionWars' graphics will be used for the next version of Intrusion "Coop mode" (will be Intrusion_beta_2)... Stay tuned! ;-)

Modes :
-Kill all
-players: 36
-Your area of operations is on the whole map.

ATG Coop:
-Kill all
-players: 36
-This mode is the one to use if you like to play the Coop mode but this time, against real enemies (mission time till 120 mins)!

-players: 32
-Your area of operations is along the main road that passes in front of the huts.

-players: 32
-Your area of operations is in the paddies around the Vietcong base (hut).

-players: 50
-Your area of operations is on the whole map.

-players: 50
-Your area of operations is on the whole map.

-players: 50
-For this mode (created by Don Turtuma), I decided to enable the ammoboxes (from the CTF and RW modes) aswell.
-Your area of operations is on the whole map.

Map specifications :
-Custom map: YES (made by Intruder)
-Base: Intrusion (the Coop version), edited
-Players: 50 (maximum)
-Modes: ATG, ATG Coop, CTF, RW, DM, TDM, TDMC.
-Weather: day, clear and sunny
-Skins by default: YES (original, no stripes for the US)
-Fps: good!
-VC + FA compatible only (1.60 patch)!

-Read me file included.
-Date of release: 12/07/11

You are NOT ALLOWED to edit this map in any way! Please, respect my choice and my work!


37684 KB
25.11.2013 14:34:00
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Total of 648 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma