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Filename Description Size Category Date
Objects.rarSome Objects I found3394 KB
30.05.2004 13:50:12
Skin Pack.rarVC2 arm textures. For adding of tour badge.281 KB
26.04.2006 13:59:58
smallobject_pack.rarCollection of objects for maps.1136 KB
15.05.2004 18:12:22
tdmc.cTDMC script, based on the TDM example script from the Vietcong SDK.

The difference to the normal TDM is that players can choose their weapons and weapons placed on the map are disabled.
6 KB
09.07.2005 14:30:49
Terrains.rarSome Terrains I found on the net4224 KB
30.05.2004 13:44:40
Tex Overlays.rarTexOverlays.rar

Here is a compilation of the overlays which can be used to spice up your terrains in Photoshop/3dsmax or any other texture editing program. I hope these help you make some great maps.

Rick (Chavez_US)
19726 KB
17.05.2008 21:40:25
Tiroliene script.rarTirolienne script

author : [SGC] Xeron
5 KB
17.09.2012 00:29:46
TMG-CoopTest.7zTest level utilizing the scripts found in inc\tmg. There's a lot of weird and fun stuff going on. :)

THIS IS NOT A WORKING LEVEL TO USE IN THE GAME!!! If you're not interested in VC1 editing there's no point in downloading this. :)

- Don
2071 KB
19.02.2009 20:45:18
TMG-ScriptPackv1.7zMost of the scripts that I've made for VC1, you can use these as you like, just give me credits.

Extract to Vietcong\dev\compiler\inc

- Don
90 KB
21.02.2009 09:59:45
VariousScripts.rarVarious Scripts

Here are all of the scripts i could find in my External Hard Drives:

Scripts included are:
Capture the Eggs script
SQ-Baker Scripts
Mounted Weapons
Video of Weapons in COOP (Obies Video)
and a few extras (Vietcong history and a music file)

This took me 1.5 hours to gather, i hope it helps whoever is interested in making new content for the glorious game of Vietcong...

Rick (Chavez_US) Co-founder VietnamEliteTeamwork (VET)
41627 KB
22.02.2009 21:39:07
VC2EditorPackBuildings.rarVC2EditorPackBuildings_20061217181728.JPGheres another step up for the VC2 Editors...

Buildings from the VC1 Fist Alpha Editor...

Unfortunately the collisions didnt work for 80% of the buildings...I will try to get those working if i have the time...

The components for this addon (to your G folder) are the VC1 buildings that work perfectly fine in the VC2 editor (tested for the associated sounds and collisions by me...)

Its preferred if you first download the VC2EditorPackNature.rar first before you download this file...

Rick (Chavez/Chavez_US/Indiglow Rick)

2419 KB
17.12.2006 18:17:28
VC2EditorPackEQUIP.rarVC2EditorPackEQuiP_20061218012207.JPGEQUIPMENT PACK for VC2 Editor

Yet another addition for your G folders...

The equipments in this addon DO NOT HAVE ANY COLLSIONS...there are 3 of them that might affect your maps...they are noted in the information text file within the folder i packed...

Make sure you CUT then paste the contents from this G folder i made...otherwise you will have a G folder within a G folder...and that wont work well...

Rick (Chavez_US)
3054 KB
18.12.2006 01:22:08
VC2EditorPackFurniture.rarVC2EditorPackFurniture_20061217181444.JPGFurniture Pack for VC2

Heres another addon for your G folders for VC2 editor

I tested all objects for their collisions. Some of these are also in your VC2 editor (not many)...but this is necessary if you want maps converted from VC1 to VC2...

Place this folder within your G folder you have made (in your root VC2 folder)...then open the VC2 Editor. The select Tools-->Rebuild TexDB-->File-->Open-->Yourmap.sco-->View-->Editor Panel-->On.
Then select the Database tab...near the bottom click the button marked "Refresh"...then your Furniture folder will appear, and the textures are on all the objects...

Rick (Chavez_US)
1743 KB
17.12.2006 18:15:24
VC2EditorPackNature.rarVC2EditorPackNature_20061217181800.JPGheres a step up for you VC2 editors out there...

I proudly present all of the Nature objects from VC1's Fist Alpha. I'm also including a notepad for the description to each Czech name for the objects in the Nature pack categories...

More packs will come within the next few weeks...

Rick [ Chavez/Chavez_US ( Co-founder ) ]
11647 KB
17.12.2006 18:18:00
VC2Editor_1_1_including_extras.zipVietcong 2 Editor v1.1 + Extras

Package includes:
- Vietcong 2 Editor Release 1.1
- Vietcong 2 3DStudioMax Plugins
- Wasteland - StarterMap
- Game Mode Template Scripts
17394 KB
16.10.2006 18:35:32
VC2_INC.rarHere are all of the scripts provided to me by (which is now non-existant) for VC2 editing...

There are numerous scripts here...Additionally you may find it difficult to mix scripts from Honzo, Maxovo, and Shigor to solve coop scripting...

What i was told is, not to mix them, if you use shigors scripts,...strictly use his scripts for that game mode...if you mix Shigors script with Maxovo's scripts you will get numerous errors, and can not finalize a map...If you use Maxovo scripts then strictly use Maxovo scripts...etc...

These scripts will go into your:

VC2 editor/dev/compiler after you extract this there you will have:

VC2 editor/dev/compiler/inc

Rick (Chavez_US)
198 KB
06.09.2009 21:52:31
VCSkinTutorial_en.pdfTutorial for new Vietcong skins by [VCK]Mike944 KB
10.09.2004 18:46:15
This is a script that I've converted from the original coop.c script, it allows players to play coop as VC.

This is not the script that I use on my maps, so there's no fancy stuff like AI allies, AI patrols, LZ end rule, Assassination mode etc.
3 KB
01.06.2004 19:26:33
vc_script_sdk096.zipVietcong Scripting SDK v0.96 including Coop!260 KB
30.04.2004 15:59:16

This is a collection of all of the skytops i have aquired over the last few years. Most of them were from the SGC website, which has been re-done, and the links for these skytops do not exist they are availiable here!....Thanks Don T.

Rick (Chavez_US)

Co-founder of

39174 KB
07.03.2008 04:39:57
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Total of 42 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma