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Filename Description Size Category Date
bunkerhell[beta].rarBunkerhell (BETA)

Author: Kyber

File obtained from :


One to try.

9513 KB
04.07.2006 16:49:45
BunkerHell.zipBunkerHell finalised.

Map maker: Kyber.

Bloody tough map!

58 VC who come looking for you! And they have damned good eyes too!

Nice use of tracers.

Don't try it solo on Vietnam setting - I found it tough to even get possitive stats - but I always did (just) - Cosmic Cat was on fire on the map!
19185 KB
04.07.2006 16:49:12
cambodia.rarCambodia converted from VC1, small, less gooks, but real dangerous, they are hiding and camping close to their camp.
Find all gooks!
38461 KB
23.02.2007 21:29:18
Cambodia_UST2S_AMB.zipCambodia_UST2S_AMB map (Ambiance)

Re-Modded: by Cowboy 10/12/04

Scripting: by WRX_02_227 & Cowboy

Modeling help: Vietcommando

Average FPS: 20 to 45 (this all depends on your machine)

Size: 18MB

Teams: US 10, VC 53

Special Ai: Super sniper ("I been hit!" Body bag!), Crazy VC (Look out, he's coming right at us!), and Tuff man VC (OMG, I dumped a whole clip into that #%&3*!).

Easter eggs: yes

Bugs: you tell me. PM Cowboy at (This is the final version and no update will be made unless I made a big mistake somewhere.)

*Updated map setting: This is the same map as the Cambodia_UST2S the only changes are...
1. The Ambiance lighting effects from the white/gray fog (I had some people saying it looked like snow was all around them.).
2. A few more waypoints for the Ai to run around to. Nothing much but they can get to some more empty zones, and moved some starting placments of the Ai.
3. The Jap skull has been updated.
4. Sunk some trees and brush that was above ground.
5. The lower ladder has been fixed for easyer access.
6. Tree sniper will not jump out anymore. (I hope)
6. OK I have got a few replys that the Ai is just to darn easy, so I have improved on there abliltys to dish it out more! (OMG! We'll will never win... Oh yes you will, it just takes team work!) OK, OK just 2 of them have been updated because they just looked at you and did nothing, now they are bezerker mad men ready to die for there country... and they will.

Hope you enjoy this updated map. Remember tactics are the key to success in this map, a "Rambo" will die in seconds!

Beta testers: WRXs, Raptor, Themaster, Liveround, DJ, Viet, Capt. Gray, Spookey, [LaG]M0dding, and a whole lot more... again.

I learned alot while making this Mod and gained some skills I didn't have before, and just wanted to thank the VC community in helping me along the way.

and remember "Let he who harms the dead get the boot!"

UST2S, Cowboy and the rest involved with making this map accept no responsibility if the warning is not headed.
If you do decide to disrespect the dead warrior and something occurs, just say "no".
17655 KB
13.10.2004 09:29:11

Modes: Coop
Max Players: 6

Original map by Gianko Monzilla. Coop mode by Guiyom 44

VCs defending the Can Tho Fortress
8648 KB
02.11.2006 20:32:13

A coop with objectives (TourCoop) on the famous Gianko Monzilla's classic map.

Players : 10
Objectives : Search & Destroy/Kill The Commander.
Status : stable.
8069 KB
19.01.2012 03:13:33
CascadaVulturilor.rarCascadaVulturilor3875 KB
01.09.2012 19:14:54
Cement_Dust4b.rarCEMENT DUST 4b3632 KB
31.08.2012 18:58:07

Coop version for Cement_Dust by Exper

Mode : Coop
Players : 10
1356 KB
02.09.2012 01:13:01
MG Stream Scenes.wmvChat and Win :)19683 KB
20.04.2004 13:18:43
BasicEditingPackRev.rarChavez' Basic Editing Pack - Revision (Updated 12-28-2007)

This is an updated editing pack with very easy to understand text notepad tutorials. Please install the editor prior to setting up the levels folder within your Vietcong main folder.

Within this pack includes my terrain VET_AP_GU i made for the custom map contest. I have stripped everything from it except the waypoints, and a few other objects. (Palm Trees from VC2, Termit Mound, US Tent, and Grass)

The scripts for 52 VC are also included (compliments from our lead scripter SAS_OZ)...these scripts are a combination of VET_ATTLEBORO and the recent VET_AP_GU maps to a certain degree...

So have fun placing the objects, ambient nature sounds, and nature foliage, and of course the 52 VC...

I decided to make this update after reviewing the older Editing Pack i created,..things have drastically changed since then...

Rick (Chavez/Chavez_US) Co-founder Vietnam Elite Teamwork
11624 KB
29.12.2007 05:51:34

This is a small collection of my custom objects and collected objects with lowered poly counts.

In this download:
Chavez_BarbedWireObjects (1 Simple round, and 1 straight)
Chavez_Barrels (numerous types, low poly)
Chavez_Boxes (numerous types)
Chavez_Bunkers and Sandbags (numerous types)
Chavez_Food (Rice for bowls, vases, and baskets)
Chavez_Gravesite (For a cemetary setting)
Chavez_Ladders (numerous sizes)
ChavezDarkRocksReUVWed (Darker editor rocks of same texture)
ChavezPunjis (3-killsimmediately, no collision, slowdeath)
ChavezRocks (All editor rocks are same texture)
ChavezTilingUVWsTexture(for perfect UVW tiling)
ChavezVehicles (trucks x 3, ziln x 2)

Left out are my Buildings, Signs, and Posters. These will be availiable soon...

Rick (Chavez_US)
8318 KB
29.02.2012 10:41:42

coop map i found playing online.

map creator : [Nemesis]
14172 KB
09.02.2012 18:29:55
citadel_ex.rarCitadel_ex by Exper.

Name : citadel_ex.rar
Size : 30.2 MB
Players : 10 max
VC : around 50
Status : stable

Mission : use teamwork to escape the citadel
30896 KB
22.12.2011 15:39:55
smallobject_pack.rarCollection of objects for maps.1136 KB
15.05.2004 18:12:22
Con_Thien_b2.rarCon Thien b2

map :
mode : coop
scripts : Shogun
players : 10
vc : many
18743 KB
13.09.2012 18:42:33
(trl)stream.rarCOOP map : (trl)stream

File obtained from :

Massive thanks to the map creator !!!!

..............The most intense firefight to experience immediately from the start of the game.

*Extreme Content...........Be Advised Ladies*

3109 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
04.07.2006 16:50:45
(trl)waterfall.rarCOOP map : (trl)Waterfall

File obtained from :

Damn snipers, damn there eyes.

Again a massive thanks to the map creator !!!!

*Extreme Content...........Be Advised Ladies*
2477 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
04.07.2006 16:50:20
G_NVA50.rarCoop map by Gonzo4296 KB
17.09.2012 18:10:04
G_ULTRA50.rarCoop map by Gonzo5391 KB
17.09.2012 18:16:03
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Total of 647 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma