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Filename Description Size Category Date
TMG-ClassifiedIntervention.rarTMG Classified Intervention by Tommy Bonez
Duplication of Escape map (VC SP)

54 VCs vs 10 US

Make sure you clean the whole Vietcong supporting village before you move out to search the jungle,swamp and temple for remaining forces
16842 KB
10.03.2006 16:54:43
TMG-Basecamp_v3.rarThe Meat Grinder Basecamp, third version.

20 player co-op.
26372 KB
06.07.2006 13:36:48

ATG, DM, TDM, TT, CTF modes.
17198 KB
04.07.2006 16:36:31

Game modes:
Cooperative - 10 players versus 52 VC
CTF - 20 U.S. versus 20 VC

Coop Mission debriefing:

Intel reports a mass buildup of supplies and munitions in the Numenor City. Eliminate all Vietnamese enemies to suppress their intentions.

Compliments of VETMET

Rick (Chavez_US)
23646 KB
14.07.2008 03:42:10
[AT]Operation_Overlord.zipOperation Overlord 1_20091223011529.jpg[AT]Operation_Overlord

Coop map for VC1 created by Drago, Alpha Team,

A few month after destroying of the enemy rocket base in DamNhaPhu an air reconnaissance revealed another base, which was hidden on the rocky shore. That base could be the same menace as DamNhaPhu was. So two days ago US marines made an attack on that base. But we have lost a radio contact with them....
Your team's tasks are clear. Infiltrate into the base. Find out what has become of US marines. Rescue eventual captives. Explore the base and eliminate its menace.

Coop mode only.
10 players
42 bots
27084 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
23.12.2009 01:15:29

Presentation :
My main objective with the "VC_maps" is to stay as close as possible the original ones but "corrected" to have the nicest versions, free of bugs, for the best gameplay and immersion!

The mission :
The night was going to be as good as the day! We were relaxing when suddenly...we heard shots!!!
NuiPek is attacked but it's too late...the Vietcong is inside the camp already! Defend the base at all cost, we can't lose it!!!

Modes :
The "classic one" we all know, with...
-Addition of extra weapons (they will depend of the mission)!
-The weapons will disappear if you drop them on the ground but...
-Extra weapons will reappear.

The "classic one" we all know but...
-WITHOUT the extra weapons!
-The weapons WON'T disappear if you drop them on the ground!
-Kills and Deaths are hidden by pressing the "TAB" key.

This "mode" is the Coop one but without the vc bots; ideal to "discover" the map, set tactics, take screenshots or...whatever!
In this mode, don't use the whole team as the respawn method or avoid to die!

Map specifications :
-US players: 8
-VC bots: 55
-Modes: Coop, Coop', Discovery
-Extra weapons: YES
-Ammoboxes: 9 (ON/OFF)
-Skins by default: YES (original, no stripes)
-VC + FA compatible only (1.60 patch)!

-Read me file included.
-Date of release: 20/12/07


17752 KB
25.11.2013 14:37:53
VC2Editor_1_1_including_extras.zipVietcong 2 Editor v1.1 + Extras

Package includes:
- Vietcong 2 Editor Release 1.1
- Vietcong 2 3DStudioMax Plugins
- Wasteland - StarterMap
- Game Mode Template Scripts
17394 KB
16.10.2006 18:35:32
[AT]_Blair_Witch_.zipBlair Witch 1_20090710233251.jpg[AT]_Blair_Witch_
Coop map for VC1 created by Bob, Alpha Team,

This is a remake of Haiphong-2.5 map. Dark night and horror atmosphere.

10 players
29 VCs
14372 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
10.07.2009 23:33:27
TMG-PirateIsle_v1.rarTMG-Pirate Isle v1

The map to celebrate the 19th September
- The Talk Like A Pirate Day

Ships by Petr Deadfast
Map by Tommy Bonez

Coop only
10 Tour Pirates vs 50 Gook Pirates

Finished/Finalized under heavy time pressure
Please excuse all bugs

18896 KB
19.09.2006 16:34:49
waterfall.rarWaterfall | Vietcong 2
Conversion by Nix 2006.
Game Modes: ctf, dm

Place both waterfall.vc2m and waterfall.cbf in your Vietcong2\maps\ folder
19305 KB
21.10.2006 05:05:02
Thuet_Ban.rarThuet Ban by [MCF]Bidi
This is a new 3DS ground based on LaoKai. (I create the ground of
LaoKai but i added a new mountain for Tocra. So the ground is a little different).

Number of max players :
- Coop : 12 (49 Vc)
- Dm : 24
- TDM : 24
- CTF : 24
9819 KB
04.07.2006 16:28:40
VET_DAHNTU.rarWe found an interesting map in the editor and decided to make it CTF, DM, TDM, and ATG. This is a perfect map made for total mayhem clan battles or just for fun...This map is too small for making it Coop.
1514 KB
31.08.2005 05:13:33
Laos67.zip8 player co-op map.

There are still VC hiding in the jungle of Laos. Kill all of them!

Made in Taiwan by Junglelord and Kurtz.
14923 KB
04.07.2006 16:19:15
[AT]Glen.zipGlen 1 _20080804222506.jpg[AT]Glen
Coop map for VC1 created by Vaclav, Alpha Team,

This is a remake of Crashsite_v1 map by Dominik. Map is bigger than original, it contains a new area with a small village.

Coop - 10 players, 53 VCs
7563 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
05.08.2008 17:45:26
This mod was developed initially address the problem the M79, RPG 7, M16/ XM148 and LAW cause on a game, namely a lot of spamming. It does this by removing the LAW from the basic Infantry class and only allowing the more experienced Marine/ Soldier/ Commando access to it. It also removes the M79, RPG 7 and M16/ XM148 from the Marine/ Soldier and Commando classes and only allows it access to the Grenadier/ VC Grenadier classes. These can then easily be limited or removed using the class limiter mutator. So if you want you can have a server without these weapons. The only weapon you will have is the LAW which the Marine/ Soldier can choose, but if you have rpg mode on only experienced players will be able to choose it.
When I had completed these changes I then also went on to make a lot more changes designed to make the game more realistic, these are all listed below.
It is worth noting that when the editor is released I will do a new version that removes the vehicles I added. This is because they have overwritten the M48 and T34 tank files, so when someone designs a map with these vehicles if played through this mod the vehicles will be the M113 APC and P403 Pickup respectively.

Please see readme for installation instructions and list of changes.
8248 KB
26.04.2006 13:57:37
3dsmax8Plugins.rarCreate a file called PteroMax plugins...put this .rar in that folder...extract contents in there...cut paste contents of each folder in the respective folders within your Max program folder...

Put "contents" of cfg folder into your Max cfg folder.
Put "contents" of plugins into your Max plugins folder.
Put pterotools folder (located in the scripts folder) into your Max scripts folder.
Put "contents" of startup folder (located in the scripts folder) into your Max startup folder
Put "contents" of discreet folder (located in the UI folder) into your Max discreet folder.
Put "contents" of icons folder (located in the UI folder) into your Max icons folder.
Put "contents" of macroscripts folder (located in the UI folder) into your Max macroscripts folder.

285 KB
06.12.2005 17:44:03
complex.zipName: Complex
Game modes: ctf, dm
Author: | Luke Stafford
Description: CTF Tournament Map
Installation: Unzip the .zip file to your Vietcong2\Maps folder.

This map is included in the full package of Fist Bravo add-on for Vietcong 2.
8638 KB
16.10.2006 18:48:11
OrangeCity.rar8 player COOP. 40 player ATG. 32 player CTF/DM/DMC/TDM/TDMC/RW.

Map made by Ho Chi Minh.
77185 KB
03.11.2008 04:24:08
MeatGrinderNightMapPack7.rarmappack for saturday specials, containing:
Map: TempioR2
Author: Gianko Monzilla
Web site:
Game types: CTF
Maximum players: 40

screenshots at:
Map: 84C.Nhatrang
Author: Ed Dobson
Game types: CTF
Maximum players: 64

screenshots at:
21208 KB
Map packs
04.07.2006 16:47:25
FoxxxyMap.zipTerrain and sky files for maps.4192 KB
15.05.2004 18:11:43
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Total of 647 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma