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Filename Description Size Category Date
VET_KHENUI.rar"Deep in the jungle ravine you will find heavy enemy resistance. Itelligence suggests there is an ammo cache in the area. See if you can locate it before the VC escape with it. Good Luck!"

12 player coop. 52 enemy VC.


As the mission details suggest there is an ammo cache to be found, this is not true. Intelligence is wrong.
14052 KB
21.07.2009 01:39:34
VET_BENTREDUX.rarscreen07_20070305061017.jpg A REDUX OF VET BENTRE


20279 KB
05.03.2007 06:10:17
Meatgrinder_Night_27_04_part2.rar38627 KB
29.03.2004 18:03:59
MG Ganja Land Stuff.wmv19527 KB
19.04.2004 16:04:00
This mod was developed initially address the problem the M79, RPG 7, M16/ XM148 and LAW cause on a game, namely a lot of spamming. It does this by removing the LAW from the basic Infantry class and only allowing the more experienced Marine/ Soldier/ Commando access to it. It also removes the M79, RPG 7 and M16/ XM148 from the Marine/ Soldier and Commando classes and only allows it access to the Grenadier/ VC Grenadier classes. These can then easily be limited or removed using the class limiter mutator. So if you want you can have a server without these weapons. The only weapon you will have is the LAW which the Marine/ Soldier can choose, but if you have rpg mode on only experienced players will be able to choose it.
When I had completed these changes I then also went on to make a lot more changes designed to make the game more realistic, these are all listed below.
It is worth noting that when the editor is released I will do a new version that removes the vehicles I added. This is because they have overwritten the M48 and T34 tank files, so when someone designs a map with these vehicles if played through this mod the vehicles will be the M113 APC and P403 Pickup respectively.

Please see readme for installation instructions and list of changes.
8248 KB
26.04.2006 13:57:37
----- Deadfast's GlassHouse version 1 -----

About: DF-GlassHouse is my first map, so please be broad to possible bugs.

Bugs: - In one hole You have a little problem to get out. Don't panic - You can get out of there if You gonna stick
to wall.
- Spawns near PPS-43 are rotated other way than they shold be. I don't know what to do with that - It seems
to be OK in editor.
- Found more big bugs ? You can report it to this e-mail:

Game modes: - DM
- ATG-BombUS (US side have to place bomb)
- ATG-BombVC (VC side have to place bomb)

Instalation: Just unpack "DF-GlassHouse_v1.cbf" and "DF-GlassHouse_v1.dat to your "*\Vietcong\maps" folder.

- with big thanks to TommyBones for usefull help.
896 KB
14.08.2006 02:17:03
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Total of 646 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma