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We decided to make a jungle terrain suitable for COOP and CTF. This is a custom map which was made for the Custom Map Contest at Pterodon. This is my first map made using 3dsmax6 combined with the PteroEngine Editor. Thanks to all the helpful ideas, suggestions from VETMET in the maiking of this great map. I like to give the following special thanks to:

TRAVX for the Handmap, Rain, Most all waypoints,
OZ for the BATTLEMODEAGR scripts,
Victor Charles/Jeepers for VC uniforms and weapons

And to the following VETMET team and Beta testers: Shecky,TRAVX, Murphy, Maddie, OZ, Jeepers, Solar, Victor Charles, Doc Savage, SLY, Trinity, Arroz, ZevenUp, Bling, August, Agt. Smith

This map has 12 US soldiers vs 52 VC (Coop)
and has 28 U.S. vs. 28 Vietcong (CTF)

Map features Two Bases (VC & US) , plenty of tunnels, forified bunkers and machineguns, strategically placed VC (Coop) and flags/ammo boxes (CTF), Stream, Waterfall, and jungle terrain w/ ambients...HAVE FUN WITH THIS ONE!!!!

27462 KB
18.06.2005 05:04:38
ATeam.wmvThe A-Team by

Killing, killing and more killing...
12136 KB
27.08.2004 15:11:00

Coop map for VC1 modified by Forman and DanyBoy, Alpha Team,

During the last operation we have lost one of our soldiers. He is known as "Mr. Mige". His dead body haven't been found. It is supposed that he is still alive and probably is held by Vietcong in former water station. Attempt to eliminate all the enemies in the station and find out whether the information about our man is true.

Coop - 10 players, 50 VCs
38675 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
03.06.2018 02:13:07

Coop map for VC1 modified by GaRReTT, Alpha Team,

10 players
49 VCs
11510 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
02.03.2016 20:13:12
AT-OldRuins.zipOldRuins-1_20161214172819.jpg[AT]OldRuins (update 4.1.2017!!!)
Coop map for VC1 created by Forman, Alpha Team,

Fight in a old ruins. Kill all the enemies in the area.

10 players
50 VCs
15591 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
04.01.2017 17:46:29

Coop map for VC1 modified by Forman & Drago, Alpha Team,

Original map by LDC-78 is interesting but too small for coop mode, so it was doubled for obtaining bigger area.

10 players
51 VCs
10226 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
05.04.2016 23:25:54

Coop map for VC1 modified by Forman, Alpha Team,

Map is based on the XIENG_XEU_BETA_01 map by Chavez. There are added fog (visibility about 85 m) and some objects (rocks, stones, towers, huts,...).
This map is the same as [AT]Houaphan map but you will fight as Vietcong to kill all enemy US soldiers.

A squad of 52 US soldiers has just infiltrated our supply camp in the Houaphan province in Northeastern Laos. You and your comrades must kill all the enemies and regain the control of this area.

10 players
52 US soldiers
24206 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
05.07.2016 01:10:43

Coop map for VC1 modified by Forman, Alpha Team,

Map is based on the XIENG_XEU_BETA_01 map by Chavez. There are added fog (visibility about 85 m) and some objects (rocks, stones, towers, huts,...). Respawn points are moved to another place of the map.

A recent air reconnaissance revealed a small fortified place in the Houaphan province in Northeastern Laos. It is surrounded by large limestone mountains and rice fields. Your elite team will parachute 2 km from the target and strike at dusk. Your mission is to take out all enemy forces in this remote area. Take no prisoners, all enemy forces must die?

10 players
52 VCs
24207 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
09.06.2016 21:06:23

Coop map for VC1 modified by Forman, Alpha Team,

Your team was commissioned to deliver some supplies to the newly built base with a small port near the demilitarized zone. On arrival to the base you found that the camp was occupied by a group of Vietcong. Now, attempt to eliminate all the enemies and regain control of the base.

10 players
50 VCs
44887 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
03.01.2017 22:24:36

Coop map for VC1 modified by Bob & Forman & Drago, Alpha Team,

Recent air reconnaissance revealed unknown devices on one island in the Halong bay. North Vietnam is apparently building a factory there, but for what reason? It is necessary to find out what activities the NVA is performing there. Your special team has just come secretly to the island by cargo ship. Its task is clear. Codename of the operation is "Factory".

10 players
51 VCs
46607 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
02.05.2016 23:15:47
assault.rarAssaulT by SeeK

Coop, CTF, DM and TDM game modes.
15284 KB
04.07.2006 16:37:09
AShauValley.zipAshau Valley Completed version by Chris Tsamados.
COOP, RW and CTF game modes.
4337 KB
04.07.2006 16:58:29

Game modes : TDM, DM, CTF and ATG
11698 KB
04.07.2006 16:34:43
arroy_beta.rarscreen2_20061119140811.jpgAuthor: Vatu

Description: Remake of a VC1 map. Beta version so far - expect few bugs arround.

Instalation: Unpack content of archive into your Vietcong2\maps directory.

Game modes:
Coop - 6 players
CTF - 16 payers
TDM - 10 players
DM - 10 players
15566 KB
19.11.2006 14:31:19
ArroyoXtremeUST2S.zipArroyoXtremeUST2S by WRX_02_227

The first map that I ever did Coop for was Arroyo, needed an improved version..and here it is. I love Arroyo because with all the cover to hide behind and move to, it is great for a good firefight.

Supports Coop only!

- 10 player Coop support

- VC have different weapons and skins (my original were all black pajamas and AK-47s)

- WRX's new AI coding

- Better AI movement

- And last but not least... a few twists and tricks...but you have to find those yourself ;-)

4996 KB
29.06.2004 07:36:20
ArroyoUST2Sv2.zipArroyoUST2Sv2 created by WRX_02_227

This map should have had COOP support in the retail version. But..oh well it didn't, and here we have it.

50 VC (all armed with AK-47's)

Awesome map to move forward from cover to cover using supressing fire.

The first map I completed ;-)
4406 KB
06.05.2004 04:19:39
apocalypse.rarApocalypse Now - not to be confused with Chris Tsamados' map of same name.

Map played a lot on TC servers.

Unknown map-maker at time of upload.

Great coop on this map.

Keep your heads down at the start!
8709 KB
04.07.2006 16:36:13
AmbushV2.rarAmbush, converted version from VC1
35980 KB
21.02.2007 11:17:34
AmbushReverseUST2S.zipAmbushReverseUST2S created by WRX_02_227.

Only mode is COOP, 6 players max

I think you can pretty much guess from the title what it is. P.S. Keep your heads down :-)
20043 KB
05.05.2004 20:33:28
AmbushReDuxVCC_b.rarAmbush Redux VCC b

Scripts : Shogun
Mode : Coop
Players : 10
24101 KB
31.08.2012 19:37:15
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Total of 647 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma