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Filename Description Size Category Date
[AT]Daybreak.zipMain view_20080322173229.jpg[AT]Daybreak
Coop map for VC1 created by Bob, Alpha Team,

A small port and urban streets. Chilly morning. And agile VCs.
Your team is coming in secret by merchant ship. At first you have to annex the port and then eliminate enemy VCs in the town. There are some AA guns reputedly in the area. VCs mustn't use them during our planned tomorrow's operation!!!!

16 players
46 VCs
62858 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
22.03.2008 17:32:29
MeatGrinderNightMapPack1.rarThe Meat Grinder Night Map Pack #1
You need this map pack to play on the server during the Saturday Special #3 on 3.4.2004!

Install into Vietcong\ folder!

Maps included in the pack:
No Mans Land
Smoke Port

71272 KB
Map packs
04.07.2006 17:00:11
OrangeCity.rar8 player COOP. 40 player ATG. 32 player CTF/DM/DMC/TDM/TDMC/RW.

Map made by Ho Chi Minh.
77185 KB
03.11.2008 04:24:08
[MCF]FrenchCamp[beta1].rarTOCRAPC_20121129_214507_copie_20121130222209.jpgMap coop for Teamplay
53 vc
Beautifull map with doors dynamiqes.
Big map but beautifull mapping
81452 KB
30.11.2012 22:22:09
ex_map_pack.rarExper's map pack.

Descriptions :

Cement_Dust_ex :
A coop version of the CTF classic.
Players : 12
stability: stable

CW_Prophet_ex :
A coop version of the Pterodon CTF/ATG map.
Players : 10. 53 VC
stability: stable

A TourCoop on Gianko Monzilla's Haiphong CTF map.
Mission : Kill VC Commander
Players : 10
stability: unstable

RiverDale_night_ex :
A coop night remake of the Pterodon map
Players : 12. 51 VC instead of 15.
stability : stable

Sniper_City_ex :
A coop version of 100%'s City map
Players : 12
stability: stable

Station_ex :
A coop version of Red Terror's CTF map
Players : 12. 46 VC
Stability: stable

SoV_Hanoi_v1.01_ex :
A coop version of Street Of Vietnam's Hanoi
Players: 13
Stability: stable

WWW_Chong_Hing_ex :
A coop version of WWWDaDude's Chong Hing
Players: 12
Stability : stable
bug : joinbug after mission started on teamrespawn mode

Old-River-Coop :
Polini's coop version of Shevket's CTF map
Players: 10. 49 VC
Stability: stable
121690 KB
Map packs
11.07.2011 10:24:13
vietcong_fistalpha_mpdemo.exeVietcong: Fist Alpha Multiplayer Demo

178985 KB
17.12.2006 07:10:16
FistBravo.zipfistbravotitlescreensx5_20061018122459.jpgFist Bravo addon for Vietcong 2.

This is the full version.

Installation: Unpack the .zip file to your Vietcong 2 folder.

More info about the addon at the indiGlow website
250227 KB
18.10.2006 12:27:09
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Total of 647 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma