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Filename Description Size Category Date

Custom Map : VET_DEATHVALLEY.rar
Author : VETMET (VietnamEliteTeamwork MapEditingTeam)

With thanks and appreciation from the Vietcong coop communities.

18415 KB
22.03.2005 17:27:55
supplytrail_beta1.rarsuplytrail1_20061224154452.jpgAuthor: Vatu

Instalation: Unpack content of archive into your Vietcong2\maps directory.

Game modes:
Coop 10 players against 60 bots
CTF 32 payers
TDM 10 players
DM 10 players
42459 KB
29.12.2006 15:04:51
arroy_beta.rarscreen2_20061119140811.jpgAuthor: Vatu

Description: Remake of a VC1 map. Beta version so far - expect few bugs arround.

Instalation: Unpack content of archive into your Vietcong2\maps directory.

Game modes:
Coop - 6 players
CTF - 16 payers
TDM - 10 players
DM - 10 players
15566 KB
19.11.2006 14:31:19
7z457.exe7-zip is a free file archiving utility. Use it to unpack the files downloaded from the site.840 KB
02.03.2008 10:47:12
OrangeCity.rar8 player COOP. 40 player ATG. 32 player CTF/DM/DMC/TDM/TDMC/RW.

Map made by Ho Chi Minh.
77185 KB
03.11.2008 04:24:08
Laos67.zip8 player co-op map.

There are still VC hiding in the jungle of Laos. Kill all of them!

Made in Taiwan by Junglelord and Kurtz.
14923 KB
04.07.2006 16:19:15
LangLy-Ruins.rar6 player COOP: "You can respaw in the two bunkers ! Get out and kill all VC in the Jungle. The ennemies must be twenty or more... Good luck - (it is very important to have a good PC)"

12 player ATG: "LangLy-Ruins is a very good map for the ATG Killall mode ! Just a life for each, with the enemies behind some ruins in a small jungle."

12 player CTF: "Be careful with the kill-respawn. You must securise your area before, then to protect your flag and finally attack the ennemies and take their flag !"

12 player DM: "No rules. You must kill everybody ! It's a deathmatch."

12 player TDM: "Team Deathmatch in a small jungle with several ruins."

12 player RW: "It's a good mode. There are 4 flags. Be careful with this jungle because LangLy-Ruins is a very dangerous map !"

Map made by Kjeldorius.
11637 KB
10.11.2008 20:22:32
Warehouse_beta1.05.zipWarehouse_beta1_20081026133742.05.jpg6 Player COOP. 30 Player ATG/CTF. 24 Player DM/TDM.

27 VC AI.

Map made by Float.
40656 KB
02.11.2008 03:52:40
TP-THE-DECENT-VC-REDUX.zip6 player Coop
by Den and Confused Master
21534 KB
26.01.2013 21:11:43
VET_HILLVCCoop.rar46 US soldiers have gone up the wrong hill...Your team of 10 vc soldiers are assigned to deafeat all enemies foreign and domestic...

Vet's version of Hamburger Hill from a VC perspective...have fun and enjoy!!!!

provided by (VETMET) Vietnam Elite Teamwork Map Editing Team

***This map has been edited because it used to crash while loading with more than 6 players...THIS IS FINAL VERSION!
12906 KB
21.11.2005 10:26:04
TourMod.rar4 .tga files to modify the Tour of Duty mod to Teamrespawn mod
just install the Tour of Duty mod and replace the .tga files in the "dev" and "g-textures-gui" folders
933 KB
24.05.2004 15:04:14

Starting with the basics. This content has been availiable over the last 8 years. There are some fixes i have personally made to "some" objects in these packs. Not physically changed the objects size, but improved the polygon counts, and re-UVW mapped the textures.

Some objects have to be manipulated/scaled on different axises to make them realistically sized.

Place the .bes files into the objects file, and the textures into the tex file. Rebuild texdatabase, in the editor, and re-open your terrainname.sco ... In your editor panel, underneath "Current Level" there will be a subfolder named OBJ or OBJECTS. Click on the plus sign, and all of the bes'es will be there for you to click on and check out. If a texture appears white, then you have two textures of the same name in a tex folder within the main tex folder. Simply delete one of the duplicates.

Next uploads will be categorized, and new (some brand new)
More to come over the next couple of days.

Rick (Chavez_US)
19130 KB
29.02.2012 09:29:54
XmasReplays.rar2 Replays of the poor chabs who were on Christmas duty1551 KB
25.12.2005 14:38:45
TRmappack.rar1st TR Mappack with the final Versions include!
maps included:
TR-Deadzone with handmap fix!
34127 KB
Map packs
05.03.2007 11:42:48
MIA-SqB-Mod.zip12 player coop.25220 KB
14.09.2010 07:17:37
AGU_HALONG.rar12 Player Co-op map
51 VC

You have been dispatched to Halong Port. Here you will regain control by eliminating all the VC that you can find..
10651 KB
04.07.2006 16:27:42
AGU_STREAM.rar12 Player Co-op map
51 VC

You are pursuing a group of NVA down stream. In the back of your mind you know this is going to lead to an ambush.
5010 KB
04.07.2006 16:27:52
AGU_FOPBOUDHA.rar12 Player Co-op map
40 VC

Your squad of 12 have stumbled upon a pocket of VC in a small enclosed valley. Do what you do best, destroy all forty enemy Vietcong.
11645 KB
04.07.2006 16:27:31
Fun_at_the_lake.wmv11 mad bastards having a spot of fun at the Lake

Re-uploaded due to the old version finishing early.
17745 KB
19.06.2004 14:23:21
Thai_Phu.rar10 player COOP. 64 player CTF/DMC. 20 player ATG PILOT.

54 VC AI.

Map made by [MCF]Tocra@.
26237 KB
02.11.2008 03:33:57
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Total of 647 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma