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Filename Description Size Category Date
3DSMax.OBJPlugs.rarHere are some plugins that you can use for your 3dsmax versions...

this will allow you to export your max objects/terrains from higher max versions to lower max versions (and vice versa) without errors...

Choose export (or import) wavefront ?.OBJ and youre good to go...

Rick (Chavez/Chavez_US)
42 KB
11.12.2006 07:28:37
3dsmax6Plugins.rarCreate a file called PteroMax plugins...put this .rar in that folder...extract contents in there...cut paste contents of each folder in the respective folders within your Max program folder...

Put "contents" of cfg folder into your Max cfg folder.
Put "contents" of plugins into your Max plugins folder.
Put pterotools folder (located in the scripts folder) into your Max scripts folder.
Put "contents" of startup folder (located in the scripts folder) into your Max startup folder
Put "contents" of discreet folder (located in the UI folder) into your Max discreet folder.
Put "contents" of icons folder (located in the UI folder) into your Max icons folder.
Put "contents" of macroscripts folder (located in the UI folder) into your Max macroscripts folder.

278 KB
06.12.2005 17:43:04
3dsmax8Plugins.rarCreate a file called PteroMax plugins...put this .rar in that folder...extract contents in there...cut paste contents of each folder in the respective folders within your Max program folder...

Put "contents" of cfg folder into your Max cfg folder.
Put "contents" of plugins into your Max plugins folder.
Put pterotools folder (located in the scripts folder) into your Max scripts folder.
Put "contents" of startup folder (located in the scripts folder) into your Max startup folder
Put "contents" of discreet folder (located in the UI folder) into your Max discreet folder.
Put "contents" of icons folder (located in the UI folder) into your Max icons folder.
Put "contents" of macroscripts folder (located in the UI folder) into your Max macroscripts folder.

285 KB
06.12.2005 17:44:03
BasicEditingPack.rarthis is a basic tutorial so you can set up the correct file structure for editing , also includes the correct files for coop map making...included inside is 54 scripts for vc set to battlemode with one A.I. machinegunner, and also the dxtex tool so you can view textures associated w/ objects...make sure you have editor downloaded...please read instruction notepads in each section before setting this up in your levels folder (within the vietcong folder...)

Have fun and enjoy the tutorials within the editor....

Each map i create averages 30+ hours...but WE (all of us the die hard editors from all the different entities) help keep this game alive...something new every 3 weeks or so it seems...i hope Vietcong#2 has an editor for it!....


****UPDATED 12-28-05****

104 KB
29.12.2005 07:14:22
BasicEditingPackRev.rarChavez' Basic Editing Pack - Revision (Updated 12-28-2007)

This is an updated editing pack with very easy to understand text notepad tutorials. Please install the editor prior to setting up the levels folder within your Vietcong main folder.

Within this pack includes my terrain VET_AP_GU i made for the custom map contest. I have stripped everything from it except the waypoints, and a few other objects. (Palm Trees from VC2, Termit Mound, US Tent, and Grass)

The scripts for 52 VC are also included (compliments from our lead scripter SAS_OZ)...these scripts are a combination of VET_ATTLEBORO and the recent VET_AP_GU maps to a certain degree...

So have fun placing the objects, ambient nature sounds, and nature foliage, and of course the 52 VC...

I decided to make this update after reviewing the older Editing Pack i created,..things have drastically changed since then...

Rick (Chavez/Chavez_US) Co-founder Vietnam Elite Teamwork
11624 KB
29.12.2007 05:51:34
BFCreator.zipCreates CBF archives. Try this if the Total Commander plugin won't work.34 KB
26.12.2010 16:23:19

This is a small collection of my custom objects and collected objects with lowered poly counts.

In this download:
Chavez_BarbedWireObjects (1 Simple round, and 1 straight)
Chavez_Barrels (numerous types, low poly)
Chavez_Boxes (numerous types)
Chavez_Bunkers and Sandbags (numerous types)
Chavez_Food (Rice for bowls, vases, and baskets)
Chavez_Gravesite (For a cemetary setting)
Chavez_Ladders (numerous sizes)
ChavezDarkRocksReUVWed (Darker editor rocks of same texture)
ChavezPunjis (3-killsimmediately, no collision, slowdeath)
ChavezRocks (All editor rocks are same texture)
ChavezTilingUVWsTexture(for perfect UVW tiling)
ChavezVehicles (trucks x 3, ziln x 2)

Left out are my Buildings, Signs, and Posters. These will be availiable soon...

Rick (Chavez_US)
8318 KB
29.02.2012 10:41:42
ChavezGrass.rarChavez25DegAngledGrass_20120402024934.jpgVET - Chavez Grass Objects for Editor

3 styles of 3 each (Straight w bend, Sloped w bend, and circular)

1. Place BES's in Levels->Mapname->OBJ folder
2. Place textures in Levels->Mapname->Tex folder
3. Open Editor
4. Click Tools -> Rebuild TexDb
5. Click File -> Open -> Mapname.sco
6. In Editor Panel -> Database -> Current Level -> OBJ(ECTS) will be the files you are looking for...

If you can think of any other variations let me know...

Chavez_US (Rick)
549 KB
02.04.2012 02:57:41
coop.rarThe missing coop.c script from the Vietcong Scripting SDK ( KB
08.01.2008 15:18:41
editor-v161.zipThe Vietcong editor v1.619007 KB
29.04.2004 09:33:05
FoxxxyMap.zipTerrain and sky files for maps.4192 KB
15.05.2004 18:11:43
Hdust_Terains.rarTerrain and sky files for maps.5629 KB
15.05.2004 18:11:56
Helemt pack.rarHeres a pack which contains two helmets that can be edited. They are in the DDS format so you will need to get a DDS plugin for photoshop to edit them.

Send the files to me (Chris).

65 KB
20.01.2006 19:00:28
InterceptorPack.rar05_01_20080728025137.JPGThis is the Interceptor Pack i created because Willem Peits link is corrupted...Hope this helps you all make some good maps...

Chavez/Chavez_US (Co-founder VietnamEliteTeamwork, 3dsmax Editor, US Navy Veteran)

Visit at your convenience...

UPDATED 1-11-09 - It has come to my attention i failed to include the test.exe portion of this pack. Im not sure why anyone didnt tell me it didnt work for them, but finally this is here now. Great program, with good results...Rick (Chavez_US - VET)
2707 KB
14.01.2009 08:45:21
jpv-moorland-code.zipJPV Standard Scripts Pack - Example 2

Feature and Keyword
1. Display objectives: Clear_Objectives(),Add_Obj(),Complete_Obj(),Fail_Obj()
2. Speech AI: SC_P_Speech2(),SC_P_GetWillTalk()
3. Side change AI (hide pilot): SC_P_ChangeSideGroupMemId()
7716 KB
26.12.2004 10:59:40
jpv-scripts-pack.zipJPV Standard Scripts Pack


1. Change of a recovery point.
2. Random arrangement of an enemy.
3. Support of Friendly AI.
4. The end conditions by the "point".
5. Respawn method "WholeTeam" has no recovery.
6. Weapons do not disappear.
7. End conditions are three, All Kill, LZ, and target exclusion.
8. Fog randomizing (a field of view also synchronizes).

These functions can be used very easily.
ON/OFF of a function... Rename of Waypoint... Only it!

and Tips.
Sorry Japanese Onry.
Please translate into your language.
8628 KB
26.12.2004 10:58:28[JPV] Tet Offensive source code for the Vietcong editor

To download the actual working map ([JPV] Tet Offensive Beta 3) click here.
5033 KB
30.12.2004 12:55:18

Starting with the basics. This content has been availiable over the last 8 years. There are some fixes i have personally made to "some" objects in these packs. Not physically changed the objects size, but improved the polygon counts, and re-UVW mapped the textures.

Some objects have to be manipulated/scaled on different axises to make them realistically sized.

Place the .bes files into the objects file, and the textures into the tex file. Rebuild texdatabase, in the editor, and re-open your terrainname.sco ... In your editor panel, underneath "Current Level" there will be a subfolder named OBJ or OBJECTS. Click on the plus sign, and all of the bes'es will be there for you to click on and check out. If a texture appears white, then you have two textures of the same name in a tex folder within the main tex folder. Simply delete one of the duplicates.

Next uploads will be categorized, and new (some brand new)
More to come over the next couple of days.

Rick (Chavez_US)
19130 KB
29.02.2012 09:29:54
Objects.rarSome Objects I found3394 KB
30.05.2004 13:50:12
smallobject_pack.rarCollection of objects for maps.1136 KB
15.05.2004 18:12:22
<<|<| 1 2|>|>>
Total of 33 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma