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Filename Description Size Category Date
MG Storm briefing.wmvThe VC "Briefing" at Storm10878 KB
19.04.2004 17:42:07
CAMDANG-FINAL.rarVET_CAMDANG.bmpThe US convoy came upon a fortified temple. Re-sucure the temple at CAMDANG.

10 US special forces vs. 52 Vietcong

Map creator: Unknown (Good job to whoever created this)
Map edited by VET_ChavezUS
31788 KB
23.07.2023 16:48:10
VET_AMBUSHVCCoop.rarThe U.S. soldiers are attempting to hold a group of islands off the coast. We must not allow the yanks to estblish a stronghold on our soil. We attack immediatley during daylight hours, and show no mercy!

Coop Mode - 10 VC soldiers vs. 52 well armed Americans...Good Luck!
23263 KB
28.08.2005 04:07:38
TMG-TrainingCamp_v2.rarThe Training Camp version 2

Get some Training in Coop
TourCoop (bleeding)

16 players
47 VC

-might get another update ... IF I find time-
11359 KB
16.04.2005 17:32:28
TBZ_Tour_Trailer.wmvThe Tour Trailer14511 KB
22.03.2004 15:36:28
Tour_Test_OldTemple.rarThe Tour inda Temple14290 KB
24.03.2004 14:28:11
Epos_009_Night_Ambush.rarThe Squad returned home at Nui Pek at Night...
Everythings nice and quiet ...
22912 KB
24.05.2004 16:31:55
Epos_010_Tin_Can_01.rarThe Squad is send to search some Vietnamese Metall ...19133 KB
30.05.2004 14:38:00
VC2_trailer_640.rarThe second official Vietcong 2 trailer in QuickTime format.17060 KB
26.04.2006 14:00:40
Epos_004_3_Canyons_02.rarThe search goes on...27107 KB
14.04.2004 13:33:03
VET_SWAMP.rarThe North Vietnamese have established a stronghold, on the infamous Ho Chi Minh Trail. You and your hand picked team of specialists are ordered to search and destroy all the enemy in the area. Remember these NVA regulars are very well disiplined, and they are experts in the art of concealment. Good Luck.

12 Elite US Soldiers versus 50 VC Regulars

Compliments of VETMET (Vietnam Elite Teamwork Map Editing Team)

Visit our website at your convenience

19242 KB
28.02.2006 04:53:42
(TRX)TheClearing.zipThe mission takes place in a new operational area.

A U.S. patrol emerges from the river gorge into a clearing; there has been no sign of the VC units which are known to be active in the area.

Credits: Thanks to Faldo and Mr.Bronson for their creative input and help with testing of this map.
6340 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
10.08.2008 15:10:34
coop.rarThe missing coop.c script from the Vietcong Scripting SDK ( KB
08.01.2008 15:18:41
Mine-Factory_Reverse.rarThe Mine Factory is surrounded by 51 VCs and NVA soldiers.
Coop-Mode up to 10 players.
24804 KB
03.09.2006 19:14:59
MeatGrinderNightMapPack1.rarThe Meat Grinder Night Map Pack #1
You need this map pack to play on the server during the Saturday Special #3 on 3.4.2004!

Install into Vietcong\ folder!

Maps included in the pack:
No Mans Land
Smoke Port

71272 KB
Map packs
04.07.2006 17:00:11
TMG-Basecamp_v3.rarThe Meat Grinder Basecamp, third version.

20 player co-op.
26372 KB
06.07.2006 13:36:48
TMG4YearsBirthdayParty.wmvThe Meat Grinder 4 Years Birthday Party

Here are some pictures and clips that I recorded at the TMGs birthday party.

Thanks Rev.Charlie for the group photo!

I apologize for the format (wmv). If you are unable to view the video because it's in wmv format, you can also see it in YouTube by clicking the link below:

YouTube version of this video

22436 KB
18.03.2008 00:14:45
MeatGrinderNightMapPack3.rarThe Maps u need for the Grinder Night of 17 04 04
Including : Ganja Land and ITM NVA Base
16040 KB
Map packs
04.07.2006 16:59:30
MeatGrinderNightMapPack2.rarThe Mappack you need for the Meat Grinder Night of 10 04
ITM The Island
The Village
33652 KB
Map packs
04.07.2006 16:59:53
MeatGrinderNightMapPack4.rarThe Map Pack you need for the Meat Grinder Night of 24 04 04
Including Enemy Territory and Vietnambeta2
29049 KB
Map packs
04.07.2006 16:59:21
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Total of 647 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma