
TMG connection problems. UPDATED!

I have some connection problems on the servers, that's why the lag has been so bad, up to 20 percent of packets are lost.

I hope to get this sorted out as soon as possible, but until then the servers are probably unplayable.

UPDATE: I've closed the servers until the connection works again! The packet loss is way too high, it's useless to keep them running.

28.10.2004 by Don Turtuma

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TMG connection problems. UPDATED! (28.10.2004)
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TMG Saturday Special #30 on 16.10.2004! (15.10.2004)
TMG Saturday Special #29 on 9.10.2004! (09.10.2004)

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Last updated 4.3.2008 13:12:59 / Don Turtuma