
Forums opened for testing (members only!)

I've opened the forums for testing in the Members section.
Please check it out and give me some feedback!
The forum code is still in very early alpha state, but I'll improve it based on the feedback I get.

26.03.2004 by Don Turtuma

Headlines: Alpha published! (20.03.2004)
TMG software updates (23.03.2004)
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special 27.3.2004! (24.03.2004)
Don't miss the PopQuiz! (25.03.2004)
Forums opened for testing (members only!) (26.03.2004)
Two meat grinders doubles the minced meat output! (29.03.2004)
PopQuiz reset! (29.03.2004)
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #3! (01.04.2004)
Downloads section fixed (05.04.2004)
Results section added (05.04.2004)

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Last updated 4.3.2008 13:12:59 / Don Turtuma