
Don't miss the PopQuiz!

I've added a new feature, PopQuiz!
Now we can find out what's the favorite class or weapon in Vietcong Coop mode, or what's your favorite color or tart. :)

25.03.2004 by Don Turtuma

=SFX= mod released! (30.06.2005)
BitTorrent tracker (04.07.2006)
Comment images and files (19.01.2006)
Comments back online (31.08.2007)
Connection problems (02.07.2004)
Don't miss the PopQuiz! (25.03.2004)
Downloads section back online! (19.04.2004)
Downloads section fixed (05.04.2004)
Downloads section offline (18.04.2004)
Downloads, again... (11.01.2005)

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Last updated 4.3.2008 13:12:59 / Don Turtuma