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FilenameCAMDANG-FINAL.rar (823) Download Link to file
Size31788 KB
Uploaded23.07.2023 16:48:10 / Chavez
Downloads40 / 21.06.2024 02:05:31
DescriptionThe US convoy came upon a fortified temple. Re-sucure the temple at CAMDANG.

10 US special forces vs. 52 Vietcong

Map creator: Unknown (Good job to whoever created this)
Map edited by VET_ChavezUS


Comments (3) Add comment

23.07.2023 16:50:19 by Chavez
Here's my latest addition to the coop community. Have fun, make sure to cover your six on this one!

05.08.2023 21:29:19 by The ACE
Very cool nivce map Chavez!

18.03.2024 17:48:52 by Rick (Chavez_US)
Thank you! I'm not exactly sure who made this map, but i added a COOP element to it and edited some minor tings.

Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma