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Server fix.rar (370) Download Link to file |
1123 KB |
17.12.2005 22:40:22 / Chris Tsamados |
677 / 25.12.2022 17:12:21 |
Unofficial CD key in use server patch for Vietcong 2. This will allow a server to run with out any more annoying CD key in use errors.
It will not stop a client from getting the error, unless they are playing on a server that has installed this patch.
Thanks to John Hanniball Smith for making it!
Comments (6) Add comment
05.07.2011 16:32:58 by yg |
Hello, i don t know where to ask, and didn t found infos on Google, do you know what value i have to write on the server .ded file to have teamrespawn setting? or is there a command to type in the console? please help, thank you |
06.07.2011 23:06:03 by Intruder |
yg, To set your server with the Teamrespawn setting, just go in the game "mode setting" (create button) and search for the "respawn method" to set it to: no delay, teamrespawn, 30 sec, 1 min... ;-) |
07.07.2011 16:02:38 by yg |
Thanks Intruder but it s a distant server, the only way i can do it is to upload a ded file on a ftp, right now i got massive lonewolfes and rambos running on the missions, i really have to find a solution :) |
08.07.2011 10:09:20 by Don Turtuma |
Run the server locally, change all the settings as you like then copy the .ded file to the remote server, should work? |
09.07.2011 20:13:51 by yg |
Thanks Don, i tried but the teamrespawn status still doesn't work, i haven t edited it, just copied it on the FTP server but nothing :(
10.07.2011 06:19:37 by Exper |
Hello Don Turtuma, could you upload those Coop/TourCoop versions i ve made those last years and regrouped in 1 mappack. Some are played on different servers frequently online. Thank you
Download link :
Descriptions :
Cement_Dust_ex : A coop version of the CTF classic. Players : 12 stability: stable
CW_Prophet_ex : A coop version of the Pterodon CTF/ATG map. Players : 10. 53 VC stability: stable
Haiphong_ex A TourCoop on Gianko Monzilla's Haiphong CTF map. Mission : Kill VC Commander Players : 10 stability: unstable
RiverDale_night_ex : A coop night remake of the Pterodon map Players : 12. 51 VC instead of 15. stability : stable
Sniper_City_ex : A coop version of 100%'s City map Players : 12 stability: stable
Station_ex : A coop version of Red Terror's CTF map Players : 12. 46 VC Stability: stable
SoV_Hanoi_v1.01_ex : A coop version of Street Of Vietnam's Hanoi Players: 13 Stability: stable
WWW_Chong_Hing_ex : A coop version of WWWDaDude's Chong Hing Players: 12 Stability : stable bug : joinbug after mission started on teamrespawn mode
Old-River-Coop : Polini's coop version of Shevket's CTF map Players: 10. 49 VC Stability: stable
Best Regards, Exper |