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FilenameTMG-MapPackBeta3Fix1.rar (81) Download Link to file
Size16386 KB
Uploaded10.05.2004 12:42:36 / Don Turtuma
Downloads2354 / 26.04.2024 14:50:02
DescriptionThis is the first (and hope that it's the last one too) fix for the Beta3 release. The server crash bug has been fixed, the crash occurred when a human controlled pilot died in TourCoop mode.

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This is the third BETA version of the map pack I'm working on.


Whole new multiplayer script! (original coop.c source was 9KB, my script is 22KB!)

New game mode: TourCoop
- Kills / deaths are not displayed on the status screen (although you can still "cheat" using the console), dead players are still shown with gray color though (I'll try to fix this)
- If team respawn is used and the whole team is dead it results in
a map restart with "Vietcong win" message
- Friendly fire is ALWAYS enabled!
- Dropped weapons and gear do not disappear
- The mission time is not reset at the start of the new round! You have x minutes
to complete the mission

New map end rule: Points
- One victory = one point
- No mission time: you can play as long as you want, only the victory matters
- When x points gained the next map is loaded (VC's points doesn't count!)

The AI Pilot:
- If there's no human controlled pilot, then the AI pilot kicks in
- If the AI pilot keeps screwing up things you can kill him at the start
of the round (you can still win the map if you kill all VC)
- The AI pilot will wait for 5 minutes before he starts moving, so you have time to clear the way for him, after that he tries to keep away from the firefights and reach the LZ
- There's a problem with the AI pilot in the traditional Coop mode, the pilot is not recovered yet at the start of the round!


- Mission objective: Escort the pilot to the LZ or kill all VC
- ATG, Coop and TourCoop game modes
- Pilot LZ end rule, if the pilot (AI or human) reaches the LZ then you have won
- If the human controlled pilot is killed then Vietcong wins (TourCoop) or the whole team is respawned (Coop)

- Mission objective: Kill all VC
- ATG, Coop and TourCoop game modes
- Cpt. Rosenfield at the Command center ;) (if he keeps doing something stupid, you can kill him at the start of the round)


Extract or copy the contents of the package to you Vietcong\ directory, or copy the contents of the Maps directory to your Vietcong\Maps dorectory.
NOTICE: If you have a Levels\Crash\TMG-Crash directory from the earlier beta versions of the map, please remove it!

Please remember that these maps are still beta versions, if you find any problems with these maps or want to give some feedback (positive or negative, especially I'd like to get some feedback on the new US/VC AI scripts that I've made); please contact me via the Feedback section of my website at

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Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma