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Map packs
Filenameex_map_pack.rar (673) Download Link to file
Size121690 KB
Uploaded11.07.2011 10:24:13 / Exper
Downloads1174 / 28.04.2024 01:02:06
DescriptionExper's map pack.

Descriptions :

Cement_Dust_ex :
A coop version of the CTF classic.
Players : 12
stability: stable

CW_Prophet_ex :
A coop version of the Pterodon CTF/ATG map.
Players : 10. 53 VC
stability: stable

A TourCoop on Gianko Monzilla's Haiphong CTF map.
Mission : Kill VC Commander
Players : 10
stability: unstable

RiverDale_night_ex :
A coop night remake of the Pterodon map
Players : 12. 51 VC instead of 15.
stability : stable

Sniper_City_ex :
A coop version of 100%'s City map
Players : 12
stability: stable

Station_ex :
A coop version of Red Terror's CTF map
Players : 12. 46 VC
Stability: stable

SoV_Hanoi_v1.01_ex :
A coop version of Street Of Vietnam's Hanoi
Players: 13
Stability: stable

WWW_Chong_Hing_ex :
A coop version of WWWDaDude's Chong Hing
Players: 12
Stability : stable
bug : joinbug after mission started on teamrespawn mode

Old-River-Coop :
Polini's coop version of Shevket's CTF map
Players: 10. 49 VC
Stability: stable


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Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma