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Vietcong 2
FilenameVC2EditorPackEQUIP.rar (513) Download Link to file
Size3054 KB
Uploaded18.12.2006 01:22:08 / Chavez
Downloads281 / 20.11.2024 20:41:46
DescriptionEQUIPMENT PACK for VC2 Editor

Yet another addition for your G folders...

The equipments in this addon DO NOT HAVE ANY COLLSIONS...there are 3 of them that might affect your maps...they are noted in the information text file within the folder i packed...

Make sure you CUT then paste the contents from this G folder i made...otherwise you will have a G folder within a G folder...and that wont work well...

Rick (Chavez_US)


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Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma