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Vietcong 2
FilenameVC2EditorPackFurniture.rar (512) Download Link to file
Size1743 KB
Uploaded17.12.2006 18:14:44 / Chavez
Downloads237 / 03.01.2023 09:40:37
DescriptionFurniture Pack for VC2

Heres another addon for your G folders for VC2 editor

I tested all objects for their collisions. Some of these are also in your VC2 editor (not many)...but this is necessary if you want maps converted from VC1 to VC2...

Place this folder within your G folder you have made (in your root VC2 folder)...then open the VC2 Editor. The select Tools-->Rebuild TexDB-->File-->Open-->Yourmap.sco-->View-->Editor Panel-->On.
Then select the Database tab...near the bottom click the button marked "Refresh"...then your Furniture folder will appear, and the textures are on all the objects...

Rick (Chavez_US)


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Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma