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FilenameRisingSun.rar.torrent (459) Download Link to file
Size22 KB
Uploaded05.07.2006 16:34:44 / Osmo
Downloads1637 / 08.10.2024 23:59:31
DescriptionVietcong: Rising Sun Addon

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This addon contains 4 exciting singleplayer missions and 8 tremendous multiplayer maps which are ready for you to fight with your friends or make your clanwars.

Additional to the normal gamemodes you know from Vietcong or Vietcong: Fist Alpha, there is a new gamemode called HtB (Hold the Base) and many more different Coop modes. E.g. UsTCoop with bots on your side or VcCoop. On some maps you can play CTF with bots against bots. May you know this game mode CTFBots from Red Dawn. Skins and new sounds - especially many new weapon sounds - diversify to the old "Vietcong life". In Coop night missions you can use the lightstick as a little special to get a better perspective.


Comments (2) Add comment

08.02.2008 19:59:35 by bosko
very nice

03.01.2017 03:43:54 by 庄心勖

Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma