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Vietcong (426) Download Link to file
Size32616 KB
Uploaded18.06.2006 14:59:40 / Intruder
Downloads2216 / 08.07.2024 02:08:54

Presentation :
Intrusion is the very first map I made for Vietcong! This map has been created and "designed" on real pictures for a better immersion!
Be prepared to fulfil a very long and hard mission because the operation area is huge!

The mission :
Our convoy has been attacked! The truck we were escorting has been destroyed by a mine. Unfortunately, the Huey that was giving us a close air support has been shot down by the vietcong fire. Clear the area to find the helicopter crash site ... and let's hope the crew is still alive!

Mode :
The "classic one" we all know, with... nothing more for the moment! ;)

Map specifications :
-Custom map: YES
-Map size: ~ 350/450 meters
-Area: Big plain with ricefields, woods, a river and much more...

-US players: 6
-VC bots: 57
-Mode: Coop
-Extra weapons: NO
-Ammoboxes: NO
-Skins by default: NO
-VC + FA compatible only (1.60 patch)!

-Date of release: 16/06/06

Note :
Intrusion_beta_2 is STILL planned! (info date: 29/10/08)

You are not allowed to edit this map in anyway, please respect my wish and my work... ;)


Download and install the "FPV map" fix from the post BELOW!!!


Comments (5) Add comment

10.07.2006 07:27:14 by Intruder
This map was especially created for the COOP mode and "designed" on real pictures for a better immersion.
You will forget very fast you're playing a game because Intrusion is really huge and full of "details" like in the reality! :)
Don't be the last one to try and enjoy this full working beta version because the next one should be even better! ;)


01.01.2007 15:34:12 by Marc
this is one of the best maps for VC i have seen. is there an updated version yet? only problem was that after i'd searched and searched, i'd only found 39 VC, and couldn't figure out where the last one was hiding! with the addition of a tunnel system (with entrances in the huts and underwater in the banks of the river), bunkers (overlooking the rice paddies and village), and perhaps a punji pit this would definitely be the best VC multiplayer map there is.

09.01.2007 07:21:47 by Intruder
Thank you for the compliments Marc! Intrusion_beta_2 will be released "soon", but as I wanted a map for tactical movements first, it will stay as it is. You can follow the story of the map on (no need to register) and play my second map during the waiting: VC_NuiPek...
Have fun! :)


13.02.2007 18:01:29 by frenchy
nice map

22.03.2007 17:34:34 by le Mercenaire
Simply the best map !

Looks like real area,
feels like real team extraction situation,

very nice terrain,
very nice vegetation, animals, sounds...
Good AI,

Realist and beautiful,
I like it.

Thank you Intruder for that.

Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma