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FilenameCoopDrivingFun.rar (306) Download Link to file
Size3026 KB
Uploaded19.04.2005 16:36:41 / Tommy Bonez
Downloads2291 / 29.12.2024 21:09:17
DescriptionCoopDrivingFun by Tommy "Noodlez" Bonez

This is a Fun Map !!!

For NON DEDICATED Server only !!
Turn Hradba off !!! and enjoy

Drive Jeeps , Trucks and Tanks

Fight against 60 Enemies (VC & US) armed only with knifes !

Gamemode is DrivingFun (coop)

for 4 players , but best played ALONE on own server !!!!!

Have Fun


Comments (2) Add comment

20.04.2008 19:24:47 by ::Crocker::[LV]
LOL the best map ever ! So funny

07.12.2013 07:29:25 by {420}Ninjutsu
BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO FUNNY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma