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Vietcong (264) Download Link to file
Size18715 KB
Uploaded15.01.2005 10:43:48 / WRX_02_227
Downloads2935 / 22.01.2025 17:42:09

Thank you for trying {US} Teamwork to Survives FIRST CUSTOM MAP!!!

Created by: Pvt. Dj Swift

A.I. Scripting by: WRX_02_227

Thank you to all Beta testers: WRX_02_227, Raptor, Liveround, Viet-Commando, Capt. Gray, Spookey, Lt. Goldman,
Kroenen-Blitzkrieg, Twilight Dark, ArchAngel, and Pestilence. Couldn't have done it without you!!

Game Modes:

Coop for 10 players with 54 VC

C.T.F. for 40 players. Very fair map!! Ammo boxes are inside towers above each flag.

ATG-Pilot for 31 players

Hope everyone enjoys this map. Remember tactics are the key to success in this map, a "Rambo" will die in seconds!

Known bugs:

1: Handmap in Coop works fine until map is won by the US. Then it will change to NVAbase for some reason.

Anymore bugs? Post a message at


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Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma