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Filename Description Size Category Date
Rude Kostry - Vietcong Theme.mp3Extended Vietcong theme music by Rude Kostry!1836 KB
23.02.2008 14:21:02

Your group of special forces are assigned to the 173rd Airborne division. Orders are to give support to the division and regain control of the area. This location is important as nearby Laos and Cambodia are just miles away, and the Ho Chi Minh trail contiues to supply the enemy with deadly weapons and ammo. If we regain control, it will be a great loss to the VC and their precious supply route.

12 US Elite Soldiers versus 50 VC Regulars (Cooperative Mode)
20 US Elite Soldiers versus 20 VC Regulars (Capture the Flag)

Compliments of (Vietnam Elite Teamwork Map Editing Team - VETMET)
17142 KB
28.02.2008 16:16:26
ventrilo-2.1.4-Windows-i386.exeVentrilo (2.1.4) client to use for voice com on The Meat Grinder Vietcong 2 servers

TMG Ventrilo server address is and port 3784.

After the installation is done, go to Setup, select the Global tab and uncheck the Check for new version checkbox.

If you update the software it will no longer work with the server because the versions are incompatible.
1305 KB
28.02.2008 16:50:23

Operation Marconi is one of my first maps. There are some bugs not fixed yet. But some people ask me for this map. This is a reason i upload it here.

Defend radio station located on top of the hill and protect radioman at all costs.

10778 KB
01.03.2008 12:35:51
7z457.exe7-zip is a free file archiving utility. Use it to unpack the files downloaded from the site.840 KB
02.03.2008 10:47:12
MapPack-VET.7z.torrentAll VET maps in a one huge torrent file!

The file contains all VET maps released up to 2008-03-01, 70 maps with total size of 936MB.

You should keep seeding at least until your share ratio is 1:1!
37 KB
Map packs
02.03.2008 20:47:41

This is a collection of all of the skytops i have aquired over the last few years. Most of them were from the SGC website, which has been re-done, and the links for these skytops do not exist they are availiable here!....Thanks Don T.

Rick (Chavez_US)

Co-founder of

39174 KB
07.03.2008 04:39:57
(TRX)NoSafeHaven.zipThis mission is based on the single-player 'Mountain Village' map, one of the 'Potok' scanarios.

A recently-evacuated mountain village has become a VC supply depot; a small US team must locate the VC camp and destroy it.

Credits: Massive thanks to Faldo, Gringo and Mr.Bronson for their creative input and help with testing of this problematic map.
13842 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
08.03.2008 02:02:05
TMG-MedicPatrolB6.7zGAME_2008-03-15_19-44-53_20080315195043.jpgThis is the version I made for the TMG birthday party 15.03.2008! It's my first map release in 2-3 years...8532 KB
15.03.2008 19:50:44
TMG4YearsBirthdayParty.wmvThe Meat Grinder 4 Years Birthday Party

Here are some pictures and clips that I recorded at the TMGs birthday party.

Thanks Rev.Charlie for the group photo!

I apologize for the format (wmv). If you are unable to view the video because it's in wmv format, you can also see it in YouTube by clicking the link below:

YouTube version of this video

22436 KB
18.03.2008 00:14:45
[AT]Daybreak.zipMain view_20080322173229.jpg[AT]Daybreak
Coop map for VC1 created by Bob, Alpha Team,

A small port and urban streets. Chilly morning. And agile VCs.
Your team is coming in secret by merchant ship. At first you have to annex the port and then eliminate enemy VCs in the town. There are some AA guns reputedly in the area. VCs mustn't use them during our planned tomorrow's operation!!!!

16 players
46 VCs
62858 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
22.03.2008 17:32:29
(TRX)TheWayBackPt2.zipThis mission is based on the multiplayer 'Stream' map.

A U.S. unit returning from a successful engagement with the VC at an outlying camp is confronted by massing hostile reinforcements.

Credits: Thanks to Faldo and Mr.Bronson for their creative input and help with testing of this map.
5723 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
31.03.2008 01:20:29
(TRX)Wetlands.zipThis mission is based on the multiplayer 'Moorland' map.

A U.S. Black Ops team must cross into Cambodia to eradicate a rogue VC unit committing atrocities against border villages.

Credits: Thanks to Faldo, Shadow-Killer!, LiL sLaIgHtEr and Mr.Bronson for their creative input and help with testing of this map.
12920 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
12.04.2008 03:19:14

(mission description will be updated at a later time/date)

Rick (Chavez_US)
22480 KB
12.04.2008 22:06:17
[AT]Suburb_Ruins.zipSuburb Ruins 1_20080425210022.jpg[AT]Suburb_Ruins
Coop map for VC1 created by Vaclav, Alpha Team,

This is a remake of EPIDEMIETown map. Original map is very interesting but it is without coop mode. I have thought this map also would deserve coop mode.

10 players
53 VCs
17371 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
26.04.2008 12:14:47
[AT]Fortress.zipFortress 1_20080505003129.jpg[AT]Fortress
Coop map for VC1 created by Vaclav, Alpha Team,

This is a remake of Numenor City map by Tune. Original map is very interesting but it is without coop mode. I have thought this map also would deserve coop mode.

10 players
53 VCs
14618 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
05.05.2008 00:31:30
(TRX)StreetFight.zipThis mission takes place in a new operational area.

An elite U.S. team is assigned to track down and eradicate a problematic VC unit which has retreated into the jungle.

Credits: Thanks to Faldo, Gringo, Mr.Bronson and Shadow-Killer! for their creative input and help with testing of this map.
6751 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
11.05.2008 01:29:27
(TRX)TheWayBackPt3.zipThis mission is based on the multiplayer 'Stream' map.

Determined to defeat the aggressors, the VC continue their counter-attack in increasing numbers; the small U.S. team must hold out against the oncoming assault.

Credits: Thanks to Faldo and Shadow-Killer! for their creative input and help with testing of this map.
5800 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
11.05.2008 01:44:09
Tex Overlays.rarTexOverlays.rar

Here is a compilation of the overlays which can be used to spice up your terrains in Photoshop/3dsmax or any other texture editing program. I hope these help you make some great maps.

Rick (Chavez_US)
19726 KB
17.05.2008 21:40:25
[AT]Fort_Osgiliath.zipFort Osgiliath 1_20080523001600.jpg[AT]Fort_Osgiliath
Coop map for VC1 created by Vaclav, Alpha Team,

This is a remake of Osgiliath City map by Tune. It is the same as the original. I only added coop mode into this map.

Coop - 10 players, 53 VCs
4066 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
23.05.2008 07:21:49
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Total of 647 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma