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Filename Description Size Category Date
tdmc.cTDMC script, based on the TDM example script from the Vietcong SDK.

The difference to the normal TDM is that players can choose their weapons and weapons placed on the map are disabled.
6 KB
09.07.2005 14:30:49[JPV] Tet Offensive source code for the Vietcong editor

To download the actual working map ([JPV] Tet Offensive Beta 3) click here.
5033 KB
30.12.2004 12:55:18
jpv-moorland-code.zipJPV Standard Scripts Pack - Example 2

Feature and Keyword
1. Display objectives: Clear_Objectives(),Add_Obj(),Complete_Obj(),Fail_Obj()
2. Speech AI: SC_P_Speech2(),SC_P_GetWillTalk()
3. Side change AI (hide pilot): SC_P_ChangeSideGroupMemId()
7716 KB
26.12.2004 10:59:40
jpv-scripts-pack.zipJPV Standard Scripts Pack


1. Change of a recovery point.
2. Random arrangement of an enemy.
3. Support of Friendly AI.
4. The end conditions by the "point".
5. Respawn method "WholeTeam" has no recovery.
6. Weapons do not disappear.
7. End conditions are three, All Kill, LZ, and target exclusion.
8. Fog randomizing (a field of view also synchronizes).

These functions can be used very easily.
ON/OFF of a function... Rename of Waypoint... Only it!

and Tips.
Sorry Japanese Onry.
Please translate into your language.
8628 KB
26.12.2004 10:58:28
VCSkinTutorial_en.pdfTutorial for new Vietcong skins by [VCK]Mike944 KB
10.09.2004 18:46:15
This is a script that I've converted from the original coop.c script, it allows players to play coop as VC.

This is not the script that I use on my maps, so there's no fancy stuff like AI allies, AI patrols, LZ end rule, Assassination mode etc.
3 KB
01.06.2004 19:26:33
Objects.rarSome Objects I found3394 KB
30.05.2004 13:50:12
Terrains.rarSome Terrains I found on the net4224 KB
30.05.2004 13:44:40
smallobject_pack.rarCollection of objects for maps.1136 KB
15.05.2004 18:12:22
Hdust_Terains.rarTerrain and sky files for maps.5629 KB
15.05.2004 18:11:56
FoxxxyMap.zipTerrain and sky files for maps.4192 KB
15.05.2004 18:11:43
vc_script_sdk096.zipVietcong Scripting SDK v0.96 including Coop!260 KB
30.04.2004 15:59:16
editor-v161.zipThe Vietcong editor v1.619007 KB
29.04.2004 09:33:05
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Total of 33 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma