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Filename Description Size Category Date
Skin Pack.rarVC2 arm textures. For adding of tour badge.281 KB
26.04.2006 13:59:58
girls.zipVC 2 Girl Mod
made by John Hannibal Smith

Changes :
-play as girls
-a little more blood
-changed some of the class and weapon properties

You can only play on servers using the mod.
or you can host your own

Install instructions inside

enjoy ... I did :D
1146 KB
26.04.2006 14:00:21
VC2_trailer_640.rarThe second official Vietcong 2 trailer in QuickTime format.17060 KB
26.04.2006 14:00:40
VC2_mpbetatesting_teaser_high_res.aviA video showing some action from the last Vietcong 2 multiplayer beta testing session.

DivX format, high resolution version.
36906 KB
26.04.2006 14:00:48
VC2_mpbetatesting_teaser_low_res.aviA video showing some action from the last Vietcong 2 multiplayer beta testing session.

DivX format, low resolution.
19894 KB
26.04.2006 14:00:55
vc2_weapons_640x480.wmvVC2 official video showcasing weapons!14452 KB
26.04.2006 14:01:19
Jeep-Testing.wmvVietcong 2: Jeep Testing

Driver - Lerner
Passenger - Paula

Recorded by Trit
588 KB
26.04.2006 15:18:43
Junglepoint_replay.rarVietcong 2: Junglepoint Replay Movie

Players: Trit, Lerner, Paula, Tommy Bonez, Bunny and Bronson

Recorded By: Biscuits
660 KB
26.04.2006 15:18:55
vietcong_history.pdfHistory of Vietcong

A History of Vietcong from the first demo to the release of patch v1.41
Note: I didn't write it and I'm not taking any of the credit for it :)
6873 KB
26.04.2006 15:20:23

Friendly villagers are coming under attack from the VC. You and your Elite team of ten are to hunt down the Vietcong and kill them before they destroy the local village. These are ruthless, hardcore Vietcong who will not show you or anybody else any mercy. Unfortunately because of the thick jungle canopy, the only map we have is from a black and white infrared aerial photograph...Good Luck and be careful.

10 US Soldiers vs. 52 VC

Compliments of Vietnam Elite Teamwork Map Editing Team (VETMET)

Visit our website at your convenience
6528 KB
30.04.2006 01:36:27

The tet Offensive took place just 3 days ago. You, and your Elite squad of special forces, have been ordered to recover Ben Tre City. This is urban warfare gentlemen. Make sure to look high and low, behind corners, on balconies, rooftops, and in every room. If you're good enough, you may be able to recover this Vietnamese stronghold. Good Luck!

10 US elite soldiers versus 52 Vietcong

Compliments of Vietnam Elite Teamwork Map Editing Team (VETMET)

Visit our website at your convenience

22161 KB
30.04.2006 01:37:01
VET_NUIPEK.rarThe long awaited VET_NuiPek...

After three days of viscious attacks on Nuipek the VC are just about to overrun the firebase. Your Elite team of 10 US Soldiers need to hold on as long as you can. Mission is to defend this strategic firebase. Good luck and keep your head down...

10 US elite soldiers versus 52 Vietcong

Compliments of Vietnam Elite Teamwork Map Editing Team (VETMET)

Visit our website at your convenience

10046 KB
30.04.2006 01:37:33
DontTryThisAtHome6.rarpart 6 of Crazy Meat Grinder Server Outtakes41996 KB
17.05.2006 19:06:50
TMG-CanyonSweep_v1.rarTMG-CanyonSweep v1

10 Players Coop
64 Players RW
64 Players ATG Pilot
22226 KB
22.05.2006 19:02:53
vietcong_v160.exeVietcong v1.60 patch for the UK/Euro version of the game43053 KB
19.06.2006 18:49:30
Meditation.aviBlazon, Iti and Osmo doing some important meditation before engaging the enemy. :)

Compressed with XviD codec.
3909 KB
28.06.2006 21:51:05
FreakedOutAIVietcong.rarA while ago I hade this freaked out VC bot while testing out some stuff ...
Take a look
19909 KB
30.06.2006 15:05:55

Thank you for trying {US} Teamwork to Survives FIRST CUSTOM MAP!!!

Created by: Pvt. Dj Swift

A.I. Scripting by: WRX_02_227

Thank you to all Beta testers: WRX_02_227, Raptor, Liveround, Viet-Commando, Capt. Gray, Spookey, Lt. Goldman,
Kroenen-Blitzkrieg, Twilight Dark, ArchAngel, and Pestilence. Couldn't have done it without you!!

Game Modes:

Coop for 10 players with 54 VC

C.T.F. for 40 players. Very fair map!! Ammo boxes are inside towers above each flag.

ATG-Pilot for 31 players

Hope everyone enjoys this map. Remember tactics are the key to success in this map, a "Rambo" will die in seconds!

Known bugs:

1: Handmap in Coop works fine until map is won by the US. Then it will change to NVAbase for some reason.

Anymore bugs? Post a message at
18715 KB
03.07.2006 19:42:39
[jpv]swampbeta2.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objectives: Kill all VC.
10787 KB
04.07.2006 16:14:15
[jpv]medicpatrolb3.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objectives:
- Coop mode: Kill all US.
- CoopTarget mode: Kill Rosenfield.
9509 KB
04.07.2006 16:15:29
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Total of 648 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma