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Filename Description Size Category Date
vcdst.zipvcdt.gifOK, I'm finally releasing this since I refuse to develop it any further. I'm releasing it without any documentation.

Main features include:

- Automatic server restart on all types of server/map crashes. Also supports crash logging.

- Automated server messages. You can have up to 2 different server messages on separate timers for displaying rules, announcements, etc.

- Automatic map changer; will change the map after x number of minutes of inactivity or remaining map time.

- Ability to run a 'whole team respawn' coop server using an external dedicated settings file.

After running VCDST for the first time, double click the tray icon and configure your server settings. Then, right click the tray icon and select 'Start Server'.
406 KB
24.02.2009 06:10:30
VCStarter.zipHere is the tool needed for installing Vietcong on Windows Vista and Windows 7 Operating Systems:

VC Starter

There is an associated video on Youtube on how to do this as well:

310 KB
04.04.2012 16:50:06
3dsmax8Plugins.rarCreate a file called PteroMax plugins...put this .rar in that folder...extract contents in there...cut paste contents of each folder in the respective folders within your Max program folder...

Put "contents" of cfg folder into your Max cfg folder.
Put "contents" of plugins into your Max plugins folder.
Put pterotools folder (located in the scripts folder) into your Max scripts folder.
Put "contents" of startup folder (located in the scripts folder) into your Max startup folder
Put "contents" of discreet folder (located in the UI folder) into your Max discreet folder.
Put "contents" of icons folder (located in the UI folder) into your Max icons folder.
Put "contents" of macroscripts folder (located in the UI folder) into your Max macroscripts folder.

285 KB
06.12.2005 17:44:03
Skin Pack.rarVC2 arm textures. For adding of tour badge.281 KB
26.04.2006 13:59:58
3dsmax6Plugins.rarCreate a file called PteroMax plugins...put this .rar in that folder...extract contents in there...cut paste contents of each folder in the respective folders within your Max program folder...

Put "contents" of cfg folder into your Max cfg folder.
Put "contents" of plugins into your Max plugins folder.
Put pterotools folder (located in the scripts folder) into your Max scripts folder.
Put "contents" of startup folder (located in the scripts folder) into your Max startup folder
Put "contents" of discreet folder (located in the UI folder) into your Max discreet folder.
Put "contents" of icons folder (located in the UI folder) into your Max icons folder.
Put "contents" of macroscripts folder (located in the UI folder) into your Max macroscripts folder.

278 KB
06.12.2005 17:43:04
vc_script_sdk096.zipVietcong Scripting SDK v0.96 including Coop!260 KB
30.04.2004 15:59:16
dxtex.rarDxTex tool

This tool is useful when you work with a texture .dds in photshop. For some reason the mipmaps are changed resulting in textures which stay in focus from all distances. For instance, a smooth texture located next to an over-pixelated texturte. This tool will help you get back the smooth appearance it had before you altered the origional .dds image in photoshop.

Once the DxTex tool is open and running do these following steps:
1. Select File open (locate your .dds image)
2. Select Format --> Change Surface Format
3. Select A8 R8 G8 B8 from the list
4. Save

Now you can rebuild texdb and reopen your scene...whalla! Smooth like the others :)

Rick (Chavez_US)
216 KB
27.08.2007 23:01:16
VC2_INC.rarHere are all of the scripts provided to me by (which is now non-existant) for VC2 editing...

There are numerous scripts here...Additionally you may find it difficult to mix scripts from Honzo, Maxovo, and Shigor to solve coop scripting...

What i was told is, not to mix them, if you use shigors scripts,...strictly use his scripts for that game mode...if you mix Shigors script with Maxovo's scripts you will get numerous errors, and can not finalize a map...If you use Maxovo scripts then strictly use Maxovo scripts...etc...

These scripts will go into your:

VC2 editor/dev/compiler after you extract this there you will have:

VC2 editor/dev/compiler/inc

Rick (Chavez_US)
198 KB
06.09.2009 21:52:31
BasicEditingPack.rarthis is a basic tutorial so you can set up the correct file structure for editing , also includes the correct files for coop map making...included inside is 54 scripts for vc set to battlemode with one A.I. machinegunner, and also the dxtex tool so you can view textures associated w/ objects...make sure you have editor downloaded...please read instruction notepads in each section before setting this up in your levels folder (within the vietcong folder...)

Have fun and enjoy the tutorials within the editor....

Each map i create averages 30+ hours...but WE (all of us the die hard editors from all the different entities) help keep this game alive...something new every 3 weeks or so it seems...i hope Vietcong#2 has an editor for it!....


****UPDATED 12-28-05****

104 KB
29.12.2005 07:14:22
TMG-ScriptPackv1.7zMost of the scripts that I've made for VC1, you can use these as you like, just give me credits.

Extract to Vietcong\dev\compiler\inc

- Don
90 KB
21.02.2009 09:59:45
interview.docVietcong 2 beta tester "interview".
Microsoft Word document.
69 KB
27.10.2005 21:23:15
Helemt pack.rarHeres a pack which contains two helmets that can be edited. They are in the DDS format so you will need to get a DDS plugin for photoshop to edit them.

Send the files to me (Chris).

65 KB
20.01.2006 19:00:28
3DSMax.OBJPlugs.rarHere are some plugins that you can use for your 3dsmax versions...

this will allow you to export your max objects/terrains from higher max versions to lower max versions (and vice versa) without errors...

Choose export (or import) wavefront ?.OBJ and youre good to go...

Rick (Chavez/Chavez_US)
42 KB
11.12.2006 07:28:37
MapPack-VET.7z.torrentAll VET maps in a one huge torrent file!

The file contains all VET maps released up to 2008-03-01, 70 maps with total size of 936MB.

You should keep seeding at least until your share ratio is 1:1!
37 KB
Map packs
02.03.2008 20:47:41
BFCreator.zipCreates CBF archives. Try this if the Total Commander plugin won't work.34 KB
26.12.2010 16:23:19 Co-op Map Pack

You need to have a BitTorrent client installed if you want to download this file! Some free clients: BitComet, Azureus, uTorrent.

A initial seed is provided for all files but it's quite slow, we need people to seed the files. So, when you download the file keep seeding it at least for some time.

Includes following UST2S maps:



Unzip and copy all of the files under data folder in your Vietcong\data folder and files under maps folder in Vietcong\maps.

For example c:\Program Files\Vietcong\data and c:\Program Files\Vietcong\maps

You can also unzip the archive directly to your Vietcong folder and all files should go into right folders.
27 KB
Map packs
17.07.2006 15:06:36
StrikeforceInstall.rar.torrentVietcong: =Strike Force= Addon

You need to have a BitTorrent client installed if you want to download this file! Some free clients: BitComet, Azureus, uTorrent.

A initial seed is provided for all files but it's quite slow, we need people to seed the files. So, when you download the file keep seeding it at least for some time.

=Strike Force= addon contains seven exciting new multiplayer maps, as well as the popular "GroundZero", consisting of jungle and urban sceneries with several game types, such as "capture the flag (CTF)", "assault team game (ATG)", and "cooperative (COOP)".

If you want to download only the maps from =Strike Force= addon, you can download =SFX= Map Pack
25 KB
13.07.2006 17:21:45
Vietcong-RedDawn.rar.torrentVietcong: Red Dawn as a BitTorrent file.

You need to have a BitTorrent client installed if you want to download this file! Some free clients: BitComet, Azureus, uTorrent.

A initial seed is provided for all files but it's quite slow, we need people to seed the files. So, when you download the file keep seeding it at least for some time.

If you prefer using eMule (or any other eDonkey network compatible client) here's a ed2k LINK.
I'm providing the release seed for the file.

UPDATE 2006-07-04: Torrent file updated, I'm hosting it on my own tracker
24 KB
04.07.2006 17:57:02[JPV] Co-op Map Pack

You need to have a BitTorrent client installed if you want to download this file! Some free clients: BitComet, Azureus, uTorrent.

A initial seed is provided for all files but it's quite slow, we need people to seed the files. So, when you download the file keep seeding it at least for some time.

Includes following [JPV] maps:



Unzip and copy all files in Vietcong\maps folder. For example c:\Program Files\Vietcong\maps
24 KB
Map packs
17.07.2006 15:05:32 Co-op Map Pack

You need to have a BitTorrent client installed if you want to download this file! Some free clients: BitComet, Azureus, uTorrent.

A initial seed is provided for all files but it's quite slow, we need people to seed the files. So, when you download the file keep seeding it at least for some time.

Includes following SFX maps:


Most of these maps are also included in =Strike Force= Addon.


Unzip and copy all files in Vietcong\maps folder. For example c:\Program Files\Vietcong\maps
23 KB
Map packs
13.07.2006 17:22:11
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Total of 646 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma