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hard coop map

map creator : (WF) Warface
9878 KB
09.02.2012 21:46:24

You and your Elite Team of 12 are on patrol. You are to move upstream and destroy any VC you may encounter.

12 Coop versus 51 ruthless VC AI
CTF 16 versus 16
9871 KB
13.07.2007 02:05:30
Pressing.wmvI found this dude while checkin out the HunamNest Map (cool map btw)
9862 KB
06.04.2004 17:20:35
Thuet_Ban.rarThuet Ban by [MCF]Bidi
This is a new 3DS ground based on LaoKai. (I create the ground of
LaoKai but i added a new mountain for Tocra. So the ground is a little different).

Number of max players :
- Coop : 12 (49 Vc)
- Dm : 24
- TDM : 24
- CTF : 24
9819 KB
04.07.2006 16:28:40
Festers Story of Fire inda Hole.wmvUncle Fester tells his Story of Fire Inda Hole9800 KB
16.05.2004 14:17:42
Stoned N Drunk VCs.wmvSome weird Action :)
from the Grinder Fun Night of 10 04 04
9729 KB
11.04.2004 18:45:55

Map by [AGU] Sheppo

Players : 10
Mode : coop
9700 KB
31.08.2012 18:37:03
Training01_Advance_under_Covering_Fire.wmvAdvance from cover to cover with the help of Covering Fire
9675 KB
Training movies
30.04.2004 12:19:41
HD_Stormyday_V1.rarHD Stormy Day V1

Map by : Hotdog
Mode : Coop
Players : 6
VC : 56

Very nice and hard mission
9638 KB
13.09.2012 18:35:56
[jpv]bigriverbeta2.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objective: Kill all US.
9573 KB
04.07.2006 16:16:55

Fist Alpha unit has infiltrated a key position along the Ho Chi Minh trail. Your elite squad of Vietnamese regulars have orders to clear the trail of these US dogs. Send all the yankee pigs home in body-bags, and re-open the trail for our critical war supplies. Chit nein!

12 VC versus 50 US Soldiers

Compliments of VETMET (Vietnam Elite Teamwork Map Editing Team)

Visit our website at your convenience

9536 KB
17.03.2006 08:05:21
bunkerhell[beta].rarBunkerhell (BETA)

Author: Kyber

File obtained from :


One to try.

9513 KB
04.07.2006 16:49:45
[jpv]medicpatrolb3.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objectives:
- Coop mode: Kill all US.
- CoopTarget mode: Kill Rosenfield.
9509 KB
04.07.2006 16:15:29

Presentation :
My main objective with the "VC_maps" is to stay as close as possible the original ones but "corrected" to have the nicest versions, free of bugs, for the best gameplay and immersion!

The mission :
Good job soldiers! You succeeded to "re-take" the radio relay from the Vietcong's hands!!! Unfortunately, we lost 6 men during the battle... For the moment all is quite, we are keeping the relay but things are going to be worst... During the bodies evacuation, our Huey spotted new Vietcong waves coming to our position!
This time, it's to our turn to defend the relay!!!

Modes :
The "classic one" we all know, with...
-Addition of extra weapons (they will depend of the mission)!
-The weapons will disappear if you drop them on the ground but...
-Extra weapons will reappear.

The "classic one" we all know but...
-WITHOUT the extra weapons!
-The weapons WON'T disappear if you drop them on the ground!
-Kills and Deaths are hidden by pressing the "TAB" key.

This "mode" is the Coop one but without the vc bots; ideal to "discover" the map, set tactics, take screenshots or...whatever!
In this mode, don't use the whole team as the respawn method or avoid to die!

Map specifications :
-US players: 8
-VC bots: 54
-Modes: Coop, Coop', Discovery
-Extra weapons: YES
-Ammoboxes: 4 (ON/OFF)
-Skins by default: YES (original, no stripes)
-You can play this map AFTER VC_RadioRelay_II to play both maps as ONE mission!
-VC alone or VC + FA compatible (1.60 patch)!

-Read me file included.
-Date of release: 21/08/07


9454 KB
25.11.2013 14:37:07

Presentation :
My main objective with the "VC_maps" is to stay as close as possible the original ones but "corrected" to have the nicest versions, free of bugs, for the best gameplay and immersion!

The mission : "Operation Tin Can"
We have found the tanks but they are not a threat.
They are only old and rusty french tanks and with a closer inspection, these wrecks are decades old.
Now, we are going to help Shrew Three to eliminate the remaining enemy forces, but they are not answering the radio...
Something happend!

Notes :
VC_FrenchRoute_B is the sequel of VC_FrenchRoute_A from the "Operation Tin Can" mission (2 maps)!
I strongly advise you to download and play both maps as "one mission"! ;)

Modes :
The "classic one" we all know, with...
-Addition of extra weapons (they will depend of the mission)!
-The weapons will disappear if you drop them on the ground but...
-Extra weapons will reappear.

The "classic one" we all know but...
-WITHOUT the extra weapons!
-The weapons WON'T disappear if you drop them on the ground!
-Kills and Deaths are hidden by pressing the "TAB" key.

This "mode" is the Coop one but without the vc bots; ideal to "discover" the map, set tactics, take screenshots or...whatever!
In this mode, don't use the whole team as the respawn method or avoid to die (no respawn)!

Map specifications :
-US players: 8
-VC bots: 45
-Modes: Coop, Coop', Discovery
-Extra weapons: YES
-Ammoboxes: 3 (ON/OFF)
-Skins by default: YES (original, with stripes)
-VC alone or VC + FA compatible (1.60 patch)!

-Read me file included.
-Date of release: 05/02/10


9431 KB
25.11.2013 14:36:12
KF-Special.rar[VCK]KF-Special by [VCK]Mike


The Pilot crashed again, but this Time the Story runs an other Way. The
Pilot has captured a VC-Uniform and stolen some urgent Documents and must
reach the US-Base.
The whole point of the Mod is that nobody knows: who is the Pilot? All US
must be careful on shooting VC's, because one US is the Spy wearing a
The VC's don't know: who of them is the Spy. He might shot them from behind.
You have to look carefully to distinguish the Spy from the VC's.
The Respawnpoints for US and VC are placed on the whole Map, therefore:
watch out, the Enemy can be everywhere.

All US-Soldiers wear the VCK-Logo on their Arms.

The Map supports ATG-Spy and the TT-Mode for up to 40 Players.

you can see some pictures in our board:
9376 KB
04.07.2006 16:55:46
ThundercreekDuskUST2S.zipThundercreekDuskUST2S created by WRX_02_227

Coop mode:

6 players

50 VC

ATG bombing:

24 players

US must destroy the downed jet, VC must try to stop them

Hope you all enjoy this. The dusk lighting is awesome on this map.
9370 KB
04.06.2004 07:49:13
Vietcong2_update_1_10.zipVietcong 2 v1.10 patch


If you can't install the patch and just get the "cannot find previous installation" or something like that then you could try manually extracting the files from the patch with the CBF extractor to your VC2 installation.

- Don
9354 KB
17.10.2008 21:19:27
[jpv]nightbeta2.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objective: Kill all VC.
9322 KB
04.07.2006 16:16:31
(A map by Perdurabo of Brisbane Coop's)


REQUIREMENTS: Vietcong Fist Alpha (or purple Haze). If you do not have the Fist Alpha Add on, some of the VC will look like "Hawkins" as thy use 'skins' from the FA add on.
9285 KB
04.07.2006 16:55:11
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Total of 646 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma