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Filename Description Size Category Date
AmbushReDuxUST2S.zipAmbushReDuxUST2S mod by WRX_02_227

Coop is the only mode supported.

- 10 player support!!!!!!

- 50 VC with improved A.I. (they can only see as far as you can see them)

- Collision barriers have been removed. Go to any island you like. Expands gameplay on this map so it's not so linear.

- A few ramps are added to assist soldiers getting onto islands

- Dusk setting but no too dark.

Two known bugs that I have no idea how to fix or why they exist. Shooting and grenade throwing can be done under water and a few of the buildings don't have the sound when walked in. But neither are really a big deal.

Thank you goes out to Pvt. Dj Swift, AMW_Villain, Kroenen-Blitzkrieg, Cowboy, and Viet-Commando for their work as Beta testers.
18377 KB
24.08.2004 01:44:01
(A map by Perdurabo of Brisbane Coop's)


REQUIREMENTS: Vietcong Fist Alpha (or purple Haze). If you do not have the Fist Alpha Add on, some of the VC will look like "Hawkins" as thy use 'skins' from the FA add on.
9285 KB
04.07.2006 16:55:11
Serpent2UST2S.zipSerpent2UST2S by Kroenen-Blitzkrieg

Kroenens first attempt with the editor. Using WRX's Coop scripts ;-)

Coop is the only game mode supported.

- 49 VC

- 10 player support!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have fun!
2933 KB
13.08.2004 09:27:49

COOP (best in Vietcong Mode)

Thanks to =extreme= @ DSOP

Have fun in da jungle!!!!!!
17099 KB
04.07.2006 16:55:18
07JANUARY1967.rar07thJanuary1967 V3 by SeeK

COOP (best in VC mode)

This map has appeared on many servers for sometime and its worth playing. Best with restricted ammo rules !!!!

13085 KB
04.07.2006 16:37:15
Devilsbridge.zipGoooooookssss !!!!!!

=SFX= Devils Bridge (.rar file version dated 07.11.2004)

Map Name: Devils Bridge BETA
Version: 0.88b
Game Modes: CTF, RW, DM, TDM, COOP

Instructions: Unzip all files to (..\vietcong\maps\) folder and then run the game

Author: Luke Stafford A.K.A Phreakzoid

Copyright: © 2003-2004 PTERODON, Ltd. | All Rights Reserved.
Please contact the author for distibution rights.

Known Bugs

- Water Splash @ Wrong range
- FirstPersonView - Mini Map does not work
- Kick for Speed Cheat if you fall to far

Report Bugs to

- Please Note: 'Devils Bridge' has been renamed to '=SFX= Devils Bridge' please remove and older versions of the files to avoid in game conflicts and crashes
25119 KB
04.07.2006 16:55:25
KaySin.rarKaySin Valley

COOP (best in Vietcong Mode)

Thanks to DSOP Apache

11120 KB
04.07.2006 16:55:32
TheVillageUST2S.zipPresenting... TheVillageUST2S by WRX_02_227

First off I have to thank fRagiLeMOD for allowing me to do a Coop version of his map!! Thanks fRagiLeMOD!!

This version of TheVillage is Coop ONLY!!!


- 10 Player Support

- 28 VC

- Smarter A.I

Thanks to Kroenen-Blitzkrieg, Viet-Commando, jackyl, AMW_Villain, Cowboy, Pvt. Dj Swift, Raptor {D}, and Lt. Elias 1e Marines for their help in Beta testing.

I hope everyone enjoys playing this map.
4895 KB
07.08.2004 10:35:28
Dont try this at home5.wmv-The Return of Spider-Alin-28778 KB
22.07.2004 01:52:12[JPV] Betrayer (Beta 3)

A base map is 'Crash in the jungle'(Single mission map).


- The Chopper fell into the jungle.
Correspondence has stopped near the ruins which the rescue team of a forerunner has on a route.
Although pilot rescue is priority, if possible, join an advance party and return.
It seems that there are many some incomprehensible occurrence in ...,
however this incident. Although it is unidentified, there is rumor that 'Betrayer' is.
It's unknown who it is.
It seems that fog is also deep...
Although it is the worst conditions, please perform a mission carefully....

Mission Mode:
- Coop
Missions are continued although a pilot dies.


- Real-Time fog system. (The depth of a thick fog changes to a real time at random.)
- Reinforcement system by BOT (5 persons). (Sorry. Directions can't be issued)
Two persons(Limand Crocker) follow at the beginning and Pilot and two advance parties(Nhut and Nguyen) join.
Crocker,Nguyen and Pilot is medic. (It approaches and treats by the 'F' key)
- Automatic voice speech system.
- Objective display system. (A objective can be checked by the 'TAB' key)
- All AI is randomizing spawn point system.
- A recovery point is changing system, into five points on a map according to advance.
- 'Whole Team' game is no recovery system.
- The map end rule is 'Time' and 'Points' system.
- Maximum player is 10.
- AI (VC) is 49 persons.
- Multi story system. (A betrayer changes.)


Move a *.cbf and *.dat file to vietcong/maps Folder.
8663 KB
04.07.2006 16:55:38
KF-Special.rar[VCK]KF-Special by [VCK]Mike


The Pilot crashed again, but this Time the Story runs an other Way. The
Pilot has captured a VC-Uniform and stolen some urgent Documents and must
reach the US-Base.
The whole point of the Mod is that nobody knows: who is the Pilot? All US
must be careful on shooting VC's, because one US is the Spy wearing a
The VC's don't know: who of them is the Spy. He might shot them from behind.
You have to look carefully to distinguish the Spy from the VC's.
The Respawnpoints for US and VC are placed on the whole Map, therefore:
watch out, the Enemy can be everywhere.

All US-Soldiers wear the VCK-Logo on their Arms.

The Map supports ATG-Spy and the TT-Mode for up to 40 Players.

you can see some pictures in our board:
9376 KB
04.07.2006 16:55:46
DontTryThisAtHome4.rarThe 4th part of Server Outtakes and Mad Action37270 KB
10.07.2004 15:17:25[JPV]TetBeta2 Coop map
8113 KB
04.07.2006 16:55:55
TheOldChurch_v1_1.zipMap Name: The Old Church
Version: 1.1
Game Modes: CTF, COOP

Instructions: Unzip all files to (..\vietcong\maps\) folder and then run the game

Author: Luke Stafford A.K.A Phreakzoid

Copyright: ® 2003-2004 PTERODON, Ltd. | All Rights Reserved.
Please contact the author for distibution rights.
12452 KB
04.07.2006 16:56:02
ArroyoXtremeUST2S.zipArroyoXtremeUST2S by WRX_02_227

The first map that I ever did Coop for was Arroyo, needed an improved version..and here it is. I love Arroyo because with all the cover to hide behind and move to, it is great for a good firefight.

Supports Coop only!

- 10 player Coop support

- VC have different weapons and skins (my original were all black pajamas and AK-47s)

- WRX's new AI coding

- Better AI movement

- And last but not least... a few twists and tricks...but you have to find those yourself ;-)

4996 KB
29.06.2004 07:36:20
FrenchRouteStormUST2S.zipFrenchRouteStormUST2S by WRX_02_227

This is basically the same map as my previous FrenchRoute but it has...

- Falling rain

- Rain and thunder sounds

- 10 player support for Coop

- Better AI

- Better AI movement

-35 VC

Also supports ATG Pilot for 24 people
8389 KB
29.06.2004 07:25:59

THIS PACK IS A NEW VERSION. ArroyoUST2Sv2 and FrenchRouteUST2Sv2FINAL were not working. The folders have been fixed. Thank you Blazon for catching it. :-)

Hello everyone....this download contains patches for ALL 11 UST2S maps that are missing the hand maps.

Readme files have been included to assist you in installing them.

If you have any problems please contact:

Thank you and have a nice day,
11026 KB
23.06.2004 02:05:27
Stuck_in_fire.wmvAlin stars by getting stuck and then char-grilling himself!16378 KB
18.06.2004 15:54:13
Dont try this at home3.wmvPrepare for part 3 of the Dont Try This At Home Saga
29106 KB
18.06.2004 00:21:23
ThreecanyonsVcUST2S.zipThreecanyonsVcUST2S by Raptor {D}

This is Raptors first play as VC map.

Supports Coop mode only.

- 10 players

- 54 VC

Hope you enjoy it :-)
5235 KB
15.06.2004 07:14:00
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Total of 646 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma