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Filename Description Size Category Date
=sfx=rivercrossing.rar=SFX= River Crossing

Map taken from the =SFX= addon
14522 KB
04.07.2006 16:32:59
TMG-ClassifiedIntervention.rarTMG Classified Intervention by Tommy Bonez
Duplication of Escape map (VC SP)

54 VCs vs 10 US

Make sure you clean the whole Vietcong supporting village before you move out to search the jungle,swamp and temple for remaining forces
16842 KB
10.03.2006 16:54:43 Supply Depot

taken from the =SFX= addon
have fun
20448 KB
04.07.2006 16:33:32
VET_FRONTVC.rarVC intel has indicated a nearby US firebase. Mission is to locate the US firebase and take it out. Youll need a full team of highly trained VC Regulars and possibly two medics. Good Luck!

compliments of VETMET (Vietnam Elite Teamwork Map Editing Team)

visit our website at your convenience

23375 KB
28.02.2006 05:29:40
VET_SWAMP.rarThe North Vietnamese have established a stronghold, on the infamous Ho Chi Minh Trail. You and your hand picked team of specialists are ordered to search and destroy all the enemy in the area. Remember these NVA regulars are very well disiplined, and they are experts in the art of concealment. Good Luck.

12 Elite US Soldiers versus 50 VC Regulars

Compliments of VETMET (Vietnam Elite Teamwork Map Editing Team)

Visit our website at your convenience

19242 KB
28.02.2006 04:53:42
VET_RADIORELAY.rarFist Alpha mission is to defend a critical communications post. Vc have sacked nearby firebases in the first week of the TET offensive and intel says they are heading this way. Your mission is to defend this vital communicatios post and keep you and your team alive. Teamwork is a must to complete this mission. Keep your head down when you start this as the VC have already begun their attack. One Life, One Mission, Good Luck!

10 Elite US players vs. 51 viscious attacking VC.

Compliments of the VietnamEliteTeamworkMapEditingTeam[VETMET]

5059 KB
20.02.2006 06:41:48
Skin Pack.rarVC2 arm textures. For adding of tour badge.281 KB
26.04.2006 13:59:58
Junglepoint_replay.rarVietcong 2: Junglepoint Replay Movie

Players: Trit, Lerner, Paula, Tommy Bonez, Bunny and Bronson

Recorded By: Biscuits
660 KB
26.04.2006 15:18:55
TMG_Jeep_Madness.rarTMG Jeep Madness (01 ?) The Video :D

Some crazy Jeep Jumps,Crash,Action video cuts

and remember ... Dont Drink and Drive
29021 KB
22.01.2006 14:51:24
WaterstationMadness1.rarReplay file of the Waterstation Madness of 20.01.06

1838 KB
21.01.2006 13:09:10
Helemt pack.rarHeres a pack which contains two helmets that can be edited. They are in the DDS format so you will need to get a DDS plugin for photoshop to edit them.

Send the files to me (Chris).

65 KB
20.01.2006 19:00:28
Jeep-Testing.wmvVietcong 2: Jeep Testing

Driver - Lerner
Passenger - Paula

Recorded by Trit
588 KB
26.04.2006 15:18:43
girls.zipVC 2 Girl Mod
made by John Hannibal Smith

Changes :
-play as girls
-a little more blood
-changed some of the class and weapon properties

You can only play on servers using the mod.
or you can host your own

Install instructions inside

enjoy ... I did :D
1146 KB
26.04.2006 14:00:21

The last stand, in the city of Hue, is the heavily fortified Citadel. It will take an Elite team of 12 soldiers to take the main bunker, and kill the 50 VC regulars guarding the ancient site. Good luck!

This has been Updated because we added CTF 12 vs 12, TDMC and made some minor scripting changes with VC... (January 2nd, 2006)

Sorry for any inconvenience...this IS the absolute final version!
21024 KB
02.01.2006 22:51:32
VET_THUNDER.rarYou are part of a hand-picked Elite team of 10 Special Ops soldiers. A high ranking pilot has been shot down behind enemy lines. Your mission is to locate the downed pilot. The Vietcong have intercepted radio communications and are looking for him. Naturally they will thwart any rescue attempts. Take out all enemy threats, re-secure area, and determine if the pilot is dead or alive.

10 US vs. 52 VC
19004 KB
31.12.2005 12:11:44
XmasReplays.rar2 Replays of the poor chabs who were on Christmas duty1551 KB
25.12.2005 14:38:45
Vietcong2_update_1_10.zipVietcong 2 v1.10 patch


If you can't install the patch and just get the "cannot find previous installation" or something like that then you could try manually extracting the files from the patch with the CBF extractor to your VC2 installation.

- Don
9354 KB
17.10.2008 21:19:27
Server fix.rarUnofficial CD key in use server patch for Vietcong 2. This will allow a server to run with out any more annoying CD key in use errors.

It will not stop a client from getting the error, unless they are playing on a server that has installed this patch.

Thanks to John Hanniball Smith for making it!

1123 KB
19.12.2005 09:17:18
WaterIFLPack.rarCreating IFL's in 3dsmax tutorial and several texture folders with textures for doing them...

Compliments of Chavez_US/Chavez

Visit our website at your convenience
4567 KB
16.12.2005 07:21:22
InterceptorPack.rar05_01_20080728025137.JPGThis is the Interceptor Pack i created because Willem Peits link is corrupted...Hope this helps you all make some good maps...

Chavez/Chavez_US (Co-founder VietnamEliteTeamwork, 3dsmax Editor, US Navy Veteran)

Visit at your convenience...

UPDATED 1-11-09 - It has come to my attention i failed to include the test.exe portion of this pack. Im not sure why anyone didnt tell me it didnt work for them, but finally this is here now. Great program, with good results...Rick (Chavez_US - VET)
2707 KB
14.01.2009 08:45:21
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Total of 646 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma