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Filename Description Size Category Date
de_DUST2_DLX.rarOVERVIEW MAP_20081109181838.jpg"This is the final version of de_dust2 i have added coop and tdmc and some details, corrected bugs and perfected the ingame map added cords to it for more strategic game play. The coop is for up to 6 players agains 40 vc bots devided in 4 groups with medics, you will easy spot the medics i have used the vc girl as medic.
The map now suports: ATG, ATG-Bomb, TDMC, DMC, Colt, CTF, COOP."

Map edited by Float.
21352 KB
09.11.2008 18:18:38
OrangeCity.rar8 player COOP. 40 player ATG. 32 player CTF/DM/DMC/TDM/TDMC/RW.

Map made by Ho Chi Minh.
77185 KB
03.11.2008 04:24:08
VET_JUNGLEPOINT.rar"You are part of an Elite Team of 10, hand picked for a mission to destroy an enemy base. Your primary target is a NVA Colonel, he is to be terminated. He is located deep within the base. Good luck with this as you will be under heavy mortar fire on your approach."

10 player COOP. 52 VC AI.

Map edited by {SAS}OZ with VETMET (Vietnam Elite Teamwork Map Editing Team).
20505 KB
03.11.2008 02:02:28
LangHoangHon.rar"U.S intelligence reports a hidden tunnel complex near a village. Be careful for there is a reason to believe this area contains NVA Regulars. Good luck."

10 player COOP. 51 VC AI.

Map made by Tomcat777.
18298 KB
03.11.2008 01:43:59
Thai_Phu.rar10 player COOP. 64 player CTF/DMC. 20 player ATG PILOT.

54 VC AI.

Map made by [MCF]Tocra@.
26237 KB
02.11.2008 03:33:57
HalongRainV2.rar"Halong Port in rain with new US Player tiger camo skins..."

6 Player COOP. 39 VC AI.

Map edited by Dominik.
6581 KB
02.11.2008 03:50:45

Presentation :
My main objective with the "VC_maps" is to stay as close as possible the original ones but "corrected" to have the nicest versions, free of bugs, for the best gameplay and immersion!

The mission :
We were back from a recon mission when our pilot received a radio call... The radio relay is attacked by the Vietcong! We are going to help our mates there to defend the relay, but as it's too dangerous for the Huey to land on it, we will be droped in the north clearing already secured by 3 of our men. They are waiting for us to land safely...

Modes :
The "classic one" we all know, with...
-Addition of extra weapons (they will depend of the mission)!
-The weapons will disappear if you drop them on the ground but...
-Extra weapons will reappear.

The "classic one" we all know but...
-WITHOUT the extra weapons!
-The weapons WON'T disappear if you drop them on the ground!
-Kills and Deaths are hidden by pressing the "TAB" key.

This "mode" is the Coop one but without the vc bots; ideal to "discover" the map, set tactics, take screenshots or...whatever!
In this mode, don't use the whole team as the respawn method or avoid to die!

Map specifications :
-US players: 8
-VC bots: 54
-Modes: Coop, Coop', Discovery
-Extra weapons: YES
-Ammoboxes: 6 (ON/OFF)
-Skins by default: YES (original, no stripes)
-You can play this map BEFORE VC_RadioRelay to play both maps as ONE mission!
-VC alone or VC + FA compatible (1.60 patch)!

-Read me file included.
-Date of release: 01/11/07


10060 KB
25.11.2013 14:36:31

Presentation :
My main objective with the "VC_maps" is to stay as close as possible the original ones but "corrected" to have the nicest versions, free of bugs, for the best gameplay and immersion!

The mission :
Good job soldiers! You succeeded to "re-take" the radio relay from the Vietcong's hands!!! Unfortunately, we lost 6 men during the battle... For the moment all is quite, we are keeping the relay but things are going to be worst... During the bodies evacuation, our Huey spotted new Vietcong waves coming to our position!
This time, it's to our turn to defend the relay!!!

Modes :
The "classic one" we all know, with...
-Addition of extra weapons (they will depend of the mission)!
-The weapons will disappear if you drop them on the ground but...
-Extra weapons will reappear.

The "classic one" we all know but...
-WITHOUT the extra weapons!
-The weapons WON'T disappear if you drop them on the ground!
-Kills and Deaths are hidden by pressing the "TAB" key.

This "mode" is the Coop one but without the vc bots; ideal to "discover" the map, set tactics, take screenshots or...whatever!
In this mode, don't use the whole team as the respawn method or avoid to die!

Map specifications :
-US players: 8
-VC bots: 54
-Modes: Coop, Coop', Discovery
-Extra weapons: YES
-Ammoboxes: 4 (ON/OFF)
-Skins by default: YES (original, no stripes)
-You can play this map AFTER VC_RadioRelay_II to play both maps as ONE mission!
-VC alone or VC + FA compatible (1.60 patch)!

-Read me file included.
-Date of release: 21/08/07


9454 KB
25.11.2013 14:37:07

Presentation :
My main objective with the "VC_maps" is to stay as close as possible the original ones but "corrected" to have the nicest versions, free of bugs, for the best gameplay and immersion!

The mission :
The night was going to be as good as the day! We were relaxing when suddenly...we heard shots!!!
NuiPek is attacked but it's too late...the Vietcong is inside the camp already! Defend the base at all cost, we can't lose it!!!

Modes :
The "classic one" we all know, with...
-Addition of extra weapons (they will depend of the mission)!
-The weapons will disappear if you drop them on the ground but...
-Extra weapons will reappear.

The "classic one" we all know but...
-WITHOUT the extra weapons!
-The weapons WON'T disappear if you drop them on the ground!
-Kills and Deaths are hidden by pressing the "TAB" key.

This "mode" is the Coop one but without the vc bots; ideal to "discover" the map, set tactics, take screenshots or...whatever!
In this mode, don't use the whole team as the respawn method or avoid to die!

Map specifications :
-US players: 8
-VC bots: 55
-Modes: Coop, Coop', Discovery
-Extra weapons: YES
-Ammoboxes: 9 (ON/OFF)
-Skins by default: YES (original, no stripes)
-VC + FA compatible only (1.60 patch)!

-Read me file included.
-Date of release: 20/12/07


17752 KB
25.11.2013 14:37:53

Presentation :
My main objective with the "VC_maps" is to stay as close as possible the original ones but "corrected" to have the nicest versions, free of bugs, for the best gameplay and immersion!

The mission :
We have been tasked with a recon patrol in the area around the Bahnar montagnard village.
After landing at the LZ a few miles from there, we will follow the creek to the village...

Modes :
The "classic one" we all know, with...
-Addition of extra weapons (they will depend of the mission)!
-The weapons will disappear if you drop them on the ground but...
-Extra weapons will reappear.

The "classic one" we all know but...
-WITHOUT the extra weapons!
-The weapons WON'T disappear if you drop them on the ground!
-Kills and Deaths are hidden by pressing the "TAB" key.

This "mode" is the Coop one but without the vc bots; ideal to "discover" the map, set tactics, take screenshots or...whatever!
In this mode, don't use the whole team as the respawn method or avoid to die!

Map specifications :
-US players: 8
-VC bots: 49
-Modes: Coop, Coop', Discovery
-Extra weapons: YES
-Ammobox: 1 (ON/OFF)
-Skins by default: YES (original, with stripes)
-VC alone or VC + FA compatible (1.60 patch)!

-Read me file included.
-Date of release: 06/06/08


12063 KB
25.11.2013 14:36:49
Warehouse_beta1.05.zipWarehouse_beta1_20081026133742.05.jpg6 Player COOP. 30 Player ATG/CTF. 24 Player DM/TDM.

27 VC AI.

Map made by Float.
40656 KB
02.11.2008 03:52:40
VC2_v1.10.7zVietcong 2 v1.10 patch for manual installation, just extract to your Vietcong 2 folder and overwrite files. This is for the ENGLISH version of the game!8216 KB
17.10.2008 21:33:43
[AT]Towers_In_Haze_plus.zipTowers In Haze 02_20080915181746.jpg[AT]Towers_In_Haze+ (update 20.9.2008!!!)
Coop map for VC1 created by Vaclav, Alpha Team,

The Vietcong is reputedly building a secret base in the ruins of ancient temple. Probably there is an underground storage in that area. Kill the all enemies in the base and try to find the mentioned storage.

[AT]Towers_In_Haze+ is a new version of [AT]Towers_In_Haze map.
There were some bugs and problems in the first version of the map:
Wooden cover of entry into the original underground tunnel (NVA Base) was destroyable by grenade. That wooden cover was replaced by a new object.
Long ladder was placed directly opposite the entry into the tower. Climbing player could be killed easily by VC on stairs in the tower. That ladder was moved to the right. Moreover the ladder was replaced by new (nicer) model.
Some VCs in the underground could penetrate partly through the panel wall so waypoints were moved farther from the wall.

Some improvements:
Now the dropped weapons donīt disappear.
VCs can use the ladders in map (it is possible to see climbing down VCs - very funny :-) )

Coop - 10 players, 53 VCs
21197 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
07.07.2016 19:32:33
(TRX)DejaVu.zipThis mission is based upon the (TRX)Wetlands map, derived from the multiplayer 'Moorland' map; it has been changed from the original to introduce greater mobility of the VC units.

Repeated missions have failed to eradicate strong VC resistance in the swamplands of the Cambodian border; more units are to be inserted in order to secure success.

Credits: Thanks to Gringo, Faldo, Mr.Bronson Tony Rios and Commando for their creative input and help with testing of this map.
11586 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
10.08.2008 14:55:30
(TRX)SenLacRidge.zipThis mission is based upon the multiplayer 'Storm' map.

A gunship carrying a U.S. Special Forces team has been dispatched to determine the status of an abandoned outpost; with the Huey damaged during setdown, the U.S. team hurries to improve the limited fortifications, knowing that enemy units are not far away.

Credits: Thanks to Mr.Bronson, Faldo, Gringo, Commando and Tony Rios for their creative input and help with testing of this map.
12849 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
10.08.2008 14:36:39
(TRX)SilentPool.zipThis forest mission is based upon the multiplayer 'Waterfall' map.

After climbing down into a steep-sided gorge, a U.S. patrol discovers a secluded forest pool; there are signs that VC units are operating in the area.

Credits: Thanks to Faldo, Mr.Bronson, Gringo, Commando and Tony Rios for their creative input and help with testing of this map.
7549 KB
(TRL) / (TRX)
10.08.2008 14:33:18
[AT]Glen.zipGlen 1 _20080804222506.jpg[AT]Glen
Coop map for VC1 created by Vaclav, Alpha Team,

This is a remake of Crashsite_v1 map by Dominik. Map is bigger than original, it contains a new area with a small village.

Coop - 10 players, 53 VCs
7563 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
05.08.2008 17:45:26

Game modes:
Cooperative - 10 players versus 52 VC
CTF - 20 U.S. versus 20 VC

Coop Mission debriefing:

Intel reports a mass buildup of supplies and munitions in the Numenor City. Eliminate all Vietnamese enemies to suppress their intentions.

Compliments of VETMET

Rick (Chavez_US)
23646 KB
14.07.2008 03:42:10
SqBaker-JARAI_v1.rarBIGTOWER_2008-07-04_21-12-59 small_20080710192918.jpgSqBaker-JARAI_v1


some US and friendly AI
unknown number of enemies

In REAL mode +2 human VC
In EXPLORE mode VC equipped only with knives

Our huey was hit and landed somewhere near Jarai village. Your task is meet Jarai chief in the village, discuss about possible crashsite and then find our huey. Mission ends if all survived soldiers return to land zone.

Original terrain by PTERODON - Jarai and Hanging bridge.
Known bugs - some but nothing serious.

27671 KB
10.07.2008 19:29:18
Haiphong-2.5-Coop.rarHaiphong by polini(?)

6 players coop only.
43 VC
12232 KB
27.06.2008 09:18:59
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Total of 646 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma