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Filename Description Size Category Date
VET_OperationUtah.rarVET Operation Utah

March 7th 1966, enemy combatants located northwest of Quang Ngai. Take your squad of 10 elite soldiers and clear the area.

10 US Coop
50 Enemy VC

Custom map by VET_ChavezUS 6/15/2024
8427 KB
15.06.2024 17:29:02

10 US
52 VC


MARCH 2024
16755 KB
04.03.2024 22:32:25
CAMDANG-FINAL.rarVET_CAMDANG.bmpThe US convoy came upon a fortified temple. Re-sucure the temple at CAMDANG.

10 US special forces vs. 52 Vietcong

Map creator: Unknown (Good job to whoever created this)
Map edited by VET_ChavezUS
31788 KB
23.07.2023 16:48:10

Presentation :
My main objective with the "FA_maps" is to stay as close as possible the original ones but "corrected" to have the nicest versions, free of bugs, for the best gameplay and immersion!

The mission :
Our sweep mission across Moorland continues...
We still haven't encountered the Vietcong but it may change very soon!

Modes :
The "classic one" we all know, with...
-Addition of extra weapons (they will depend of the mission)!
-The weapons will disappear if you drop them on the ground but...
-Extra weapons will reappear.

The "classic one" we all know but...
-WITHOUT the extra weapons!
-The weapons WON'T disappear if you drop them on the ground!
-Kills and Deaths are hidden by pressing the "TAB" key.

This "mode" is the Coop one but without the vc bots; ideal to "discover" the map, set tactics, take screenshots or...whatever!
In this mode, don't use the whole team as the respawn method or avoid to die (no respawn)!

Map specifications :
-US players: 8
-VC bots: 54
-Modes: Coop, Coop', Discovery
-Extra weapons: YES
-Ammoboxes: 4 (ON/OFF)
-Skins by default: YES (original, with stripes)
-VC + FA compatible only (1.60 patch)!

-Read me file included.
-Date of release: 01/01/20


17649 KB
27.02.2023 17:29:41

Presentation :
My main objective with the "VC_maps" is to stay as close as possible the original ones but "corrected" to have the nicest versions, free of bugs, for the best gameplay and immersion!

The mission :
May 14, 1967, 21:00. Special Forces Camp under construction at Nui Pek. What a great night to chill out! Don't expect to fight this time because the area has been cleared from all Vietcong's threat, at least for the moment!

Modes :
The "classic one" we all know, with...
-Addition of extra weapons (they will depend of the mission)!
-The weapons will disappear if you drop them on the ground but...
-Extra weapons will reappear.

-ATTENTION: This mode has NO vc bots to fight with!!!

The "classic one" we all know but...
-WITHOUT the extra weapons!
-The weapons WON'T disappear if you drop them on the ground!
-Kills and Deaths are hidden by pressing the "TAB" key.

-ATTENTION: This mode has NO vc bots to fight with!!!

This "mode" is the Coop one but without the vc bots; ideal to "discover" the map, set tactics, take screenshots or...whatever!
In this mode, don't use the whole team as the respawn method or avoid to die (no respawn)!

Map specifications :
-US players: 8
-VC bots: 0, NONE!
-Modes: Coop, Coop', Discovery
-Extra weapons: YES
-Ammoboxes: 2 (ON/OFF)
-Skins by default: YES (original, no stripes)
-VC + FA compatible only (1.60 patch)!

-Read me file included.
-Date of release: 01/01/20


11644 KB
05.01.2020 18:34:05

Presentation :
After Intrusion, BrownWater is the second custom map I created with a very strong "Vietnam look"...
BrownWater has nothing really "special" but I can garantee you a very immersive mission in a deathfull Mekong Delta! ;)

The mission :
October 12th, 1967, 15:00. Fist Alpha has been sent to the South Vietnam to help the US Navy in its Brown Water War. We were patroling onboard 2 Boston Whalers till the water level became too low and obstructed by trees. We now have to continue on foot...

Modes :
The "classic one" we all know, with...
-Addition of extra weapons (they will depend of the mission)!
-The weapons will disappear if you drop them on the ground but...
-Extra weapons will reappear.

The "classic one" we all know but...
-WITHOUT the extra weapons!
-The weapons WON'T disappear if you drop them on the ground!
-Kills and Deaths are hidden by pressing the "TAB" key.

This "mode" is the Coop one but without the vc bots; ideal to "discover" the map, set tactics, take screenshots or...whatever!
In this mode, don't use the whole team as the respawn method or avoid to die (no respawn)!

Map specifications :
-US players: 8
-VC bots: 55
-Modes: Coop, Coop', Discovery
-Extra weapons: YES
-Ammoboxes: 6 (ON/OFF)
-Skins by default: YES (original, with stripes)
-VC + FA compatible only (1.60 patch)!

-Read me file included.
-Date of release: 01/01/20


21583 KB
05.01.2020 18:11:32

Presentation :
My main objective with the "VC_maps" is to stay as close as possible the original ones but "corrected" to have the nicest versions, free of bugs, for the best gameplay and immersion!

The mission :
November 10th, 1967, 12:00. Special Forces camp at Nui Pek. Rejoin your team in the TOC bunker to receive your briefing for the Radio Relay mission. Once the team will be ready, a Huey will drop you on the Hill dong Tam Hanh.

"VC_Briefing_RR_b_1" stands for "VC_Briefing_RadioRelay_beta_1" as the full name. It's the briefing map for the Radio Relay mission...

Modes :
The "classic one" we all know, with...
-Addition of extra weapons (they will depend of the mission)!
-The weapons will disappear if you drop them on the ground but...
-Extra weapons will reappear.

-ATTENTION: This mode has NO vc bots to fight with!!!

The "classic one" we all know but...
-WITHOUT the extra weapons!
-The weapons WON'T disappear if you drop them on the ground!
-Kills and Deaths are hidden by pressing the "TAB" key.

-ATTENTION: This mode has NO vc bots to fight with!!!

This "mode" is the Coop one but without the vc bots; ideal to "discover" the map, set tactics, take screenshots or...whatever!
In this mode, don't use the whole team as the respawn method or avoid to die (no respawn)!

Map specifications :
-US players: 8
-VC bots: 0, NONE!
-Modes: Coop, Coop', Discovery
-Extra weapons: YES
-Ammoboxes: 2 (ON/OFF)
-Skins by default: YES (original, no stripes)
-VC alone or VC + FA compatible (1.60 patch)!

-Read me file included.
-Date of release: 01/01/20


25663 KB
05.01.2020 17:55:48

Coop map for VC1 modified by Forman and DanyBoy, Alpha Team,

During the last operation we have lost one of our soldiers. He is known as "Mr. Mige". His dead body haven't been found. It is supposed that he is still alive and probably is held by Vietcong in former water station. Attempt to eliminate all the enemies in the station and find out whether the information about our man is true.

Coop - 10 players, 50 VCs
38675 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
03.06.2018 02:13:07

Presentation :
My main objective with the "VC_maps" is to stay as close as possible the original ones but "corrected" to have the nicest versions, free of bugs, for the best gameplay and immersion!

The mission :
This area is a Vietcong nest! Have no mercy for them because they won't have mercy for you!

Modes :
The "classic one" we all know, with...
-Addition of extra weapons (they will depend of the mission)!
-The weapons will disappear if you drop them on the ground but...
-Extra weapons will reappear.

The "classic one" we all know but...
-WITHOUT the extra weapons!
-The weapons WON'T disappear if you drop them on the ground!
-Kills and Deaths are hidden by pressing the "TAB" key.

This "mode" is the Coop one but without the vc bots; ideal to "discover" the map, set tactics, take screenshots or...whatever!
In this mode, don't use the whole team as the respawn method or avoid to die (no respawn)!

Map specifications :
-US players: 8
-VC bots: 32
-Modes: Coop, Coop', Discovery
-Extra weapons: YES
-Ammoboxes: 2 (ON/OFF)
-Skins by default: YES (original, no stripes)
-VC alone or VC + FA compatible (1.60 patch)!

-Read me file included.
-Date of release: 30/06/17


4147 KB
30.06.2017 17:21:29
AT-OldRuins.zipOldRuins-1_20161214172819.jpg[AT]OldRuins (update 4.1.2017!!!)
Coop map for VC1 created by Forman, Alpha Team,

Fight in a old ruins. Kill all the enemies in the area.

10 players
50 VCs
15591 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
04.01.2017 17:46:29

Coop map for VC1 modified by Forman, Alpha Team,

Your team was commissioned to deliver some supplies to the newly built base with a small port near the demilitarized zone. On arrival to the base you found that the camp was occupied by a group of Vietcong. Now, attempt to eliminate all the enemies and regain control of the base.

10 players
50 VCs
44887 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
03.01.2017 22:24:36
[AT]Towers_In_Haze_plus.zipTowers In Haze 02_20080915181746.jpg[AT]Towers_In_Haze+ (update 20.9.2008!!!)
Coop map for VC1 created by Vaclav, Alpha Team,

The Vietcong is reputedly building a secret base in the ruins of ancient temple. Probably there is an underground storage in that area. Kill the all enemies in the base and try to find the mentioned storage.

[AT]Towers_In_Haze+ is a new version of [AT]Towers_In_Haze map.
There were some bugs and problems in the first version of the map:
Wooden cover of entry into the original underground tunnel (NVA Base) was destroyable by grenade. That wooden cover was replaced by a new object.
Long ladder was placed directly opposite the entry into the tower. Climbing player could be killed easily by VC on stairs in the tower. That ladder was moved to the right. Moreover the ladder was replaced by new (nicer) model.
Some VCs in the underground could penetrate partly through the panel wall so waypoints were moved farther from the wall.

Some improvements:
Now the dropped weapons donīt disappear.
VCs can use the ladders in map (it is possible to see climbing down VCs - very funny :-) )

Coop - 10 players, 53 VCs
21197 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
07.07.2016 19:32:33

Coop map for VC1 modified by Forman, Alpha Team,

Map is based on the XIENG_XEU_BETA_01 map by Chavez. There are added fog (visibility about 85 m) and some objects (rocks, stones, towers, huts,...).
This map is the same as [AT]Houaphan map but you will fight as Vietcong to kill all enemy US soldiers.

A squad of 52 US soldiers has just infiltrated our supply camp in the Houaphan province in Northeastern Laos. You and your comrades must kill all the enemies and regain the control of this area.

10 players
52 US soldiers
24206 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
05.07.2016 01:10:43

Coop map for VC1 modified by Forman, Alpha Team,

Map is based on the XIENG_XEU_BETA_01 map by Chavez. There are added fog (visibility about 85 m) and some objects (rocks, stones, towers, huts,...). Respawn points are moved to another place of the map.

A recent air reconnaissance revealed a small fortified place in the Houaphan province in Northeastern Laos. It is surrounded by large limestone mountains and rice fields. Your elite team will parachute 2 km from the target and strike at dusk. Your mission is to take out all enemy forces in this remote area. Take no prisoners, all enemy forces must die?

10 players
52 VCs
24207 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
09.06.2016 21:06:23

Coop map for VC1 modified by Bob & Forman & Drago, Alpha Team,

Recent air reconnaissance revealed unknown devices on one island in the Halong bay. North Vietnam is apparently building a factory there, but for what reason? It is necessary to find out what activities the NVA is performing there. Your special team has just come secretly to the island by cargo ship. Its task is clear. Codename of the operation is "Factory".

10 players
51 VCs
46607 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
02.05.2016 23:15:47

Coop map for VC1 modified by Forman & Drago, Alpha Team,

Original map by LDC-78 is interesting but too small for coop mode, so it was doubled for obtaining bigger area.

10 players
51 VCs
10226 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
05.04.2016 23:25:54

Coop map for VC1 modified by GaRReTT, Alpha Team,

10 players
49 VCs
11510 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
02.03.2016 20:13:12

Two convoys of the US army (including yours) were going to the main base when Vietcong's soldiers ambushed the first one. Your team gotta clean the area to find and rescue your mates, if they're still alive...

The best fight is with a team of 3 - 4 players.

Coop: 8 US players vs 32 VC bots
CTF: 20 players
Discovery: 8 US players vs 0 bots

Made by SIR!!!!
6781 KB
07.09.2014 11:14:16
[AT]Cutthroat_Base_plus.zipCutthroat Base 1_20091007230011.jpg[AT]Cutthroat_Base+
Coop map for VC1 created by Vaclav, Alpha Team,

This is a new version of [AT]Cutthroat_Base map.

Map was optimized for better fps (but don't expect an extreme rising).

Map is a remake of Saville_v2(beta) map by Leopard[RR]. Original map is very interesting but it is without coop mode. I have thought this map also would deserve coop mode.
Improvements compared to original:
Some new walls, new objects (entering tower at the respawn points, prison, toilets, shower room, kitchen, commander office, etc.)
Added new uniform skin.
New skins for M16, Sten and M60 (for FPV and 3rdPV too).

Your team has just descended into the second perimeter of "cutthroat base", which is a secret mountain camp of elite NVA fighters. Now you have to get into the middle of the base through an underground corridor to eliminate all the NVA cutthroats.

10 players
53 VCs
23554 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
04.07.2014 19:09:31

Coop map for VC1 created by Vaclav, Alpha Team,

On the last days some of our Hueys were attacked nearby Devil's gorge. One of them was even nearly shot down. That area isn't evidently as forsaken as we thought. Vietcong apparently has some AA-guns somewhere around there. It is important to find them.
Your team will be dropped nearby abandoned Montagnard village. But be careful! That village could be occupied by Vietcong soldiers. Ensure the village and try to find a trail to Devil's gorge. Eliminate all the enemies on the way. Top-priority task is the finding of enemy AA-guns.

10 players
52 VCs
38529 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
22.06.2014 01:16:19
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Total of 647 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma