
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #22 on 21.8.2004!

Next The Meat Grinder Saturday Special will be 21.8.2004 starting at 1800GMT!

We have discussed about about "special" ATG games on the Tour forums and now we are going to try it.

The idea is to have Coop like missions with human players, this means the nor US or VC will go rambo, we try to have the troops well organized; VC will be defending and US attacking.

The maps we'll start with are:

The server will be password protected with the usual TMG password, but if there's not enough players then I'll remove it.

17.08.2004 by Don Turtuma

The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #27 on 25.9.2004! (24.09.2004)
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #26 on 18.9.2004! (17.09.2004)
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #25 on 11.9.2004! (10.09.2004)
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #24 on 4.9.2004! (04.09.2004)
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #23 on 28.8.2004! (27.08.2004)
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #22 on 21.8.2004! (17.08.2004)
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #22 on 14.8.2004 CANCELLED! (14.08.2004)
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #21 on 7.8.2004! (07.08.2004)
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #20 on 31.7.2004! (30.07.2004)
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #19 on 24.7.2004! (23.07.2004)

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Last updated 4.3.2008 13:12:59 / Don Turtuma