
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #20 on 31.7.2004!

Next The Meat Grinder Saturday Special will be 24.7.2004 starting at 1800GMT!

We'll start with TMG-MedicPatrolKOTH, I need to figure out the bug that sometimes prevents respawing.

30.07.2004 by Don Turtuma

The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #16 on 3.7.2004! (02.07.2004)
TMG-MedicPatrolBeta4 released with a new game mode! (04.07.2004)
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #17 on 10.7.2004! (09.07.2004)
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #18 on 17.7.2004! (17.07.2004)
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #19 on 24.7.2004! (23.07.2004)
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #20 on 31.7.2004! (30.07.2004)
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #21 on 7.8.2004! (07.08.2004)
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #22 on 14.8.2004 CANCELLED! (14.08.2004)
TMG #1 and #2 online (15.08.2004)
The Meat Grinder Saturday Special #22 on 21.8.2004! (17.08.2004)

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Last updated 4.3.2008 13:12:59 / Don Turtuma