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Filename Description Size Category Date
TR-6thS-OpWhiteWing.rar10 Player Coop
50 AI
20885 KB
29.06.2009 01:42:33
[jpv]swampbeta2.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objectives: Kill all VC.
10787 KB
04.07.2006 16:14:15
[jpv]cambodiabeta1.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objectives:
- Coop mode: Kill all US.
- CoopTarget mode: Kill Rosenfield & go to LZ.

Features: Random AI spawn positions.
11588 KB
04.07.2006 16:16:48
[jpv]streamvcbeta2.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objectives:
- Coop mode: Kill all US.
- CoopTarget mode: Kill the pilot.
5026 KB
04.07.2006 16:15:37
[jpv]medicpatrolb3.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objectives:
- Coop mode: Kill all US.
- CoopTarget mode: Kill Rosenfield.
9509 KB
04.07.2006 16:15:29
[jpv]oldtemplebeta3.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objectives:
- Coop mode: Kill all US.
- CoopTarget mode: Kill Rosenfield.
12243 KB
04.07.2006 16:15:44
[jpv]nightbeta2.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objective: Kill all VC.
9322 KB
04.07.2006 16:16:31
[jpv]portbeta3.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objective: Kill all VC.
9038 KB
04.07.2006 16:15:57
[jpv]bigriverbeta2.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objective: Kill all US.
9573 KB
04.07.2006 16:16:55
[jpv]firefightbeta1.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objective: Kill all US.
11587 KB
04.07.2006 16:16:43
[jpv]killzonebeta3.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objective: Kill all US.
5543 KB
04.07.2006 16:16:37
[jpv]radiorelay2beta5.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objective: Defend the hill against VC hordes. You must not let them reach the radio relay! There is postponement time for 2 minutes! Prepare for attack.
5975 KB
04.07.2006 16:15:51
AGU_BIGVALLEY.rar10 Player Co-op map
50 VC 4 Civilians

An urgent radio message has come through. One of our returning choppers has been hit by AA fire and has gone down. There are survivors, and their extraction from a very hot zone is required immediately. They are hold up in some houses close to the chopper. Be warned this area is extremely active, and has been under heavy air attack. This has been stopped so you and your Team of Elite soldiers can get in there... Good Luck.
2643 KB
04.07.2006 16:28:00
07JANUARY1967.rar07thJanuary1967 V3 by SeeK

COOP (best in VC mode)

This map has appeared on many servers for sometime and its worth playing. Best with restricted ammo rules !!!!

13085 KB
04.07.2006 16:37:15
MedicPatroltestings.wmv...some shots from my Medic Patrol betatestings19386 KB
11.06.2004 03:54:40
Epos_006_3_Canyons_04.rar...and on....20355 KB
30.04.2004 14:18:47
Epos_005_3_Canyons_03.rar...and on...19461 KB
22.04.2004 14:55:34
TMG-Bridge_part2_v1.rar...and another old (and the last) project I found

TMG-Bridge part 2 by Tommy Bonez

10player Coop map

-as I dont have VC2 installed anymore, I hope this map works fine and u have some fun
16274 KB
30.01.2007 18:54:43
Epos_011_Operation_Tin_Can_02.wmv... they found some steel ...20266 KB
09.06.2004 00:44:48
Hellweek.wmv... Its Hellweek !!7425 KB
06.06.2004 13:04:12
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Total of 647 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma