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Filename Description Size Category Date
[TC]Patrol_B1.rar[TC]Patrol_B1 by TC.Bobby (UK)

6 player coop
4438 KB
31.10.2010 12:42:34

coop map i found played online

map creator : [SPA]
3532 KB
09.02.2012 18:10:08

Two convoys of the US army (including yours) were going to the main base when Vietcong's soldiers ambushed the first one. Your team gotta clean the area to find and rescue your mates, if they're still alive...

The best fight is with a team of 3 - 4 players.

Coop: 8 US players vs 32 VC bots
CTF: 20 players
Discovery: 8 US players vs 0 bots

Made by SIR!!!!
6781 KB
07.09.2014 11:14:16
[MCF]FrenchCamp[beta1].rarTOCRAPC_20121129_214507_copie_20121130222209.jpgMap coop for Teamplay
53 vc
Beautifull map with doors dynamiqes.
Big map but beautifull mapping
81452 KB
30.11.2012 22:22:09


Author: Deus ex Machina (machina5150 at

Some cool lighting!
9232 KB
04.07.2006 16:52:47
[jpv]swampbeta2.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objectives: Kill all VC.
10787 KB
04.07.2006 16:14:15
[jpv]streamvcbeta2.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objectives:
- Coop mode: Kill all US.
- CoopTarget mode: Kill the pilot.
5026 KB
04.07.2006 16:15:37
[jpv]radiorelay2beta5.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objective: Defend the hill against VC hordes. You must not let them reach the radio relay! There is postponement time for 2 minutes! Prepare for attack.
5975 KB
04.07.2006 16:15:51
[jpv]portbeta3.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objective: Kill all VC.
9038 KB
04.07.2006 16:15:57
[jpv]oldtemplebeta3.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objectives:
- Coop mode: Kill all US.
- CoopTarget mode: Kill Rosenfield.
12243 KB
04.07.2006 16:15:44
[jpv]nightbeta2.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objective: Kill all VC.
9322 KB
04.07.2006 16:16:31
[jpv]medicpatrolb3.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objectives:
- Coop mode: Kill all US.
- CoopTarget mode: Kill Rosenfield.
9509 KB
04.07.2006 16:15:29
[jpv]killzonebeta3.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objective: Kill all US.
5543 KB
04.07.2006 16:16:37
[jpv]firefightbeta1.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objective: Kill all US.
11587 KB
04.07.2006 16:16:43
[jpv]cambodiabeta1.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objectives:
- Coop mode: Kill all US.
- CoopTarget mode: Kill Rosenfield & go to LZ.

Features: Random AI spawn positions.
11588 KB
04.07.2006 16:16:48
[jpv]bigriverbeta2.zip10 player co-op map.

Mission objective: Kill all US.
9573 KB
04.07.2006 16:16:55
[AT]_Blair_Witch_.zipBlair Witch 1_20090710233251.jpg[AT]_Blair_Witch_
Coop map for VC1 created by Bob, Alpha Team,

This is a remake of Haiphong-2.5 map. Dark night and horror atmosphere.

10 players
29 VCs
14372 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
10.07.2009 23:33:27
[AT]Urban_Warfare.zipUrban Warfare 1_20091104223021.jpg[AT]Urban_Warfare

Coop map for VC1 created by Vaclav, Alpha Team,

This is a remake of Arooga City map by Tune. Last year Bob reworked Tune's map. It could be played by 16 players (6 players only on original Arooga City) against 42 bots. Some objects were added into the map and some bots were moved. Also respawn points were moved on the opposite map side. But Bob's version had one fundamental mistake - character of Hawkins had white face (missing texture). So that map was removed from website for repairing. But Bob has never repaired his map because of lack of free time.
Some time ago I tried to repair Bob's map and I added some small improvements - new US uniform skin, new skins for some weapons (AK47, Scorpion, Thompson, M1, M14, Remington 870), more bots and more waypoints for them, new object of sightseeing tower, US weapons for some bots, the fence in Baikal street was removed, etc.

My version of map has slightly different name compared to Bob's version:
[AT]urban_warfare - old version (Bob)
[AT]Urban_Warfare - actual version

IMPORTANT: If you don't have the Fist Alpha Add-on, some of the bots will look like "Hawkins" (including new US uniform skin, but with Vietnamese caps).

Enjoy urban warfare. :-)

Coop mode only.
12 players
51 bots
28877 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
05.11.2009 00:41:23
[AT]Towers_In_Haze_plus.zipTowers In Haze 02_20080915181746.jpg[AT]Towers_In_Haze+ (update 20.9.2008!!!)
Coop map for VC1 created by Vaclav, Alpha Team,

The Vietcong is reputedly building a secret base in the ruins of ancient temple. Probably there is an underground storage in that area. Kill the all enemies in the base and try to find the mentioned storage.

[AT]Towers_In_Haze+ is a new version of [AT]Towers_In_Haze map.
There were some bugs and problems in the first version of the map:
Wooden cover of entry into the original underground tunnel (NVA Base) was destroyable by grenade. That wooden cover was replaced by a new object.
Long ladder was placed directly opposite the entry into the tower. Climbing player could be killed easily by VC on stairs in the tower. That ladder was moved to the right. Moreover the ladder was replaced by new (nicer) model.
Some VCs in the underground could penetrate partly through the panel wall so waypoints were moved farther from the wall.

Some improvements:
Now the dropped weapons donīt disappear.
VCs can use the ladders in map (it is possible to see climbing down VCs - very funny :-) )

Coop - 10 players, 53 VCs
21197 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
07.07.2016 19:32:33
[AT]Suburb_Ruins.zipSuburb Ruins 1_20080425210022.jpg[AT]Suburb_Ruins
Coop map for VC1 created by Vaclav, Alpha Team,

This is a remake of EPIDEMIETown map. Original map is very interesting but it is without coop mode. I have thought this map also would deserve coop mode.

10 players
53 VCs
17371 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
26.04.2008 12:14:47
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Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma